Hamas terrorists torture 5 Israeli female soldiers

Tel Aviv – Five Israeli female soldiers stationed at the Nahal Oz base near the Gaza border were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. Israel’s ‘Hostage and Missing Family Forum’ has released a new video, wherein Hamas terrorists seem to have taken these 5 female Israeli soldiers as hostage. In this 3-minute-long video, Hamas terrorists are seen tying all the women soldiers’ hands and feet. The abducted female soldiers were beaten up and injured by Hamas terrorists, They were also threatened to be killed.

My determination to eradicate Hamas has grown stronger : Israeli PM Netanyahu

After the video surfaced, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, ” Seeing the atrocities committed by Hamas against our soldiers, my determination to eradicate Hamas has grown stronger. There will never be an attack like the one Hamas did in Israel on 7thOctober.”

Demand for Netanyahu’s resignation

Since the start of the war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been talking about the elimination of Hamas and the safe release of hostages; however, all the hostages are still in the custody of Hamas. As a result, Israeli citizens are increasingly resentful of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Government. Thousands of people have taken to the streets against the Government across 50 places, including the capital Tel Aviv. They have demanded Netanyahu’s resignation and holding early elections in the country.

Editorial Perspective

Why are the supporters of Hamas silent on this ?