How the Far Left has Transformed American Campuses and Corporates into Becoming Supporters of Jihadi Terror

Even as Israel is doggedly punishing Hamas in Gaza, the contours of a civil war are taking concrete shape on American university campuses. The terror organisation Hamas has found support here, in the alleged land of the free and home of the brave, which is allegedly also the most powerful Nation on Earth. In less than thirty years, the definitions of freedom and bravery have been overturned. Freedom is now defined as support for Jihad and bravery, as waging war against your own Nation.

On 18th April, Google fired twenty-eight of its employees who had barged into its Sunnyvale and New York offices and staged a ‘sit-in’ protesting against Google Cloud’s $1.2 billion deal with the Israeli Government. ‘Sit-in’ is the politically correct term for ‘forcible occupation’. The protestors’ agenda is familiar : They characterise Israel’s ongoing defensive against Hamas, as a genocide.

For Indians, this narrative is sickeningly resonant : Over the last half a century or more, a substantial clutch of such ‘protestors’ (NGOs, ‘civil society’, academics, intellectuals, etc.) have repeatedly risen in defence of Pakistan and various Islamic terror groups, which have inflicted horrendous terrorism at regular intervals on Indian soil. In relative terms, such terrorism-supporters are a rather new breed in America.

The dismissed Google employees, in reality, are indoctrinated activists who aren’t even aware that they have been indoctrinated. They are the harvest of an unrelenting, decadal propaganda, which in turn is the yield of an all-encompassing Far Left subversion that fattens rabid Islamic outfits of all hues including but not limited to Hamas. Let’s not forget the fact that the Far Left academic Angana Chaterji was close to and coached by Gulam Nabi Fai, the Pakistani hireling lobbying for a separate Kashmir Nation.

The story of all such Far Left subterfuges in the West begins in Europe. With a renegade theory called multiculturalism, which acquired political heft in the 1960s. Theodore Dalrymple provides one of the most penetrating critiques of multiculturalism :

Multiculturalism rests on … the dishonest pretense that all cultures are equal and that no fundamental conflict can arise between the customs, mores, and philosophical outlooks of two different cultures. The multiculturalist preaches that, in an age of mass migration, society can (and should) be a kind of salad bowl, a receptacle for exotic ingredients from around the world, the more the better, each bringing its special flavor to the cultural mix.

(Complete Article on :, 26th April 2024)