Sign Petition : Bangladesh Burning, Save Hindus from Genocide
HJS has requested the Indian Government to keep the people of India apprised of its actions to protect Hindus in Bangladesh !
HJS has requested the Indian Government to keep the people of India apprised of its actions to protect Hindus in Bangladesh !
Invaluable guidance by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale through His radiant thoughts…
Some amount of negative Energy Aura was found in all the clothes in the study; but it was most in the jeans. Minimum negative vibrations and maximum positive vibrations were found in the saree. The UAS readings of clothes indicate that the 9 yard saree is the most sattvik
We must accept our destiny. The more we undergo our suffering happily, the more our distress will become tolerable. The seekers should pray to God – ‘I am suffering due to my past sinful deeds. O’ God ! Please do not allow me to perform any more sinful deeds’.
Positive energies assist humans in performing virtuous tasks and negative energies cause distress. Various Scriptures such as the Vedas have recommended spiritual remedies to ward off such distresses.