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What is ‘distress caused by negative energies’ ?

Positive as well as negative energies are active in the environment. Positive energies assist humans in performing virtuous tasks and negative energies cause distress. There are numerous narrations in the Vedas and Puranas about demons creating obstacles in the Yajnas (Sacrificial fires) of Sages and Ascetics in the ancient times. ‘The Yatuvidya mentioned in the Atharvaveda includes dangerous practices such as bhanamati, mutha marane, etc.’ (1) ‘Many mantras have been mentioned in the Atharvaveda to thwart demons, pishacha, etc.’ (2)
In brief, negative energies cause distress in various ways to humans. Influence of negative energies creates a distressing energy covering around the body of an individual. As a result, the individual suffers from distresses such as darkening of the face, heaviness of the head, inability to chant God’s Name, etc. This is perceived by seekers who have subtle perception ability and Saints.

Various Scriptures such as the Vedas have recommended spiritual remedies to ward off such distresses. In Sanatan’s Texts, the terms ‘negative energies’ or ‘spiritual distress’ have been used in some places keeping this in mind. Information and research on the existence of negative energies is available on thousands of websites.

Reference : Marathi Vishwakosh, Publisher : Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya Sanskruti Mandal, Sachivalay, Mumbai – 400 032, Edition 1 (1976) (1) Vol. 6 (Vishaya : Jadutona) (2) Vol. 1, Page 194