Let’s free our Temples from the clutches of the Government

To be honest, the secular Government of India has no right to seize Hindu temples and take their wealth or change the ancient traditions of the temples. These so-called secular Governments provide no financial assistance to temples, do not participate or provide no help for any activity associated with (Hindu) Dharma.

Be ready to sacrifice everything to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ : Staunch Hindu MLA T Raja Singh Lodh

Ever since India gained Independence, a conspiracy has been in place to Islamise the Nation. At present, senior officials in the administration are against Hindu Dharma. Elevate Hindu-minded youth to higher positions so that they can contribute in establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

Nepal marching ahead to become a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ despite the stiff opposition from anti-Nepal forces

Hindu unity is on the rise in Nepal. Hindus are wholeheartedly supporting Political parties that work to serve Dharma. Despite Nepal being a Hindu-majority country, some people are working under the influence of external forces due to enticements offered by countries like China and European Union countries.

An Anti-Hindu Narrative – A conspiracy to tarnish the image of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj : Mr Uday Mahurkar

The Hinduphobic historians have deliberately presented our past in a distorted manner to suit their anti-Hindu narrative and glorified the Mughal invaders as the saviours of our Nation. Post-Independence, Hindus were constantly fed with a barrage of misinformation (read anti-Hindu lies).

Become an integral part of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and preserve the Guru-disciple tradition ! – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

History testifies that whenever Dharma faced lassitude, the Guru-disciple tradition took active part in reinstating Dharma !