Where there is Dharma there is victory : Pujya (Dr) Shibnarayan Sen

Pujya (Dr) Shibnarayan Sen

Sant Pandit Upendra Mohan (Bengal) had a difficult early life. After marriage, he performed Chandipatha on his wife’s request. The Goddess has said in Chandipatha that She removes all kinds of sorrows of those who recite Chandipatha. He continued the Chandipatha to experience this, which he did after a year. Work that had been stalled reached completion. He continued reciting Chandipatha continuously.

After two and a half years God appeared before him and said, “Come with me, I have come to take you”. He refused to go and said to God, “I will not come with you till I have told others how merciful you are. The world has forgotten God and God is pained about this. I will not come till I have alleviated this pain”.
Pujya (Dr) Sen was talking on the life and thoughts of Pandit Upendra Mohan on Hindu Rashtra. Pandit Upendra Mohan ji firmly believed that where there is Dharma, there is victory.

Pujya (Dr) Sen said that Pandit Upendra Mohan ji said that for 500 years Muslims looted India, destroyed temples, but they could not break the faith of Hindus. Although the invaders plundered India, India’s economic position in the world was strong. The British banned Sanskrit in India in 1936. Pandit Upendra Mohan ji opposed this and told the British that betraying Sanskrit is a sin. He became a District Magistrate. In this capacity, he tried to preserve Indian culture, tradition and ethical values. He then resigned from the post. He condemned the genocide orchestrated by Germany. He said that Germany and Japan would have to bear the fruits of their wrongdoing.