Become an integral part of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and preserve the Guru-disciple tradition ! – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

Guru Purnima will be celebrated on Ashadha Purnima (21.7.2024). On this day, the Guru Principle (Principle of God) is a 1,000 times more active than on other days. Therefore, the benefit of performing satseva (Serving the God Principle) and tyag (Sacrifice of the body, mind, and wealth as part of spiritual practice), that is, offering unto the God or Guru Principle on the occasion of Guru Purnima, is a 1,000 times more beneficial than on other days. Guru Purnima is a unique opportunity for obtaining God’s grace.

Guru Purnima is the day to express gratitude unto the Guru. The real mission of the Guru is to turn the materialistic society towards spiritual practice and help a true disciple attain Moksha (Final Liberation). True disciples tread this Path alone and perform samashti (Spiritual practice for the spread of Spirituality) mission throughout their lives. Sacrificing the body, mind and wealth in the samashti mission of the Guru is the disciple’s expression of real gratitude unto Him.

The Guru-disciple tradition has contributed to the society in no small measure. This glorious tradition has evolved the Hindu society morally, culturally and spiritually. History testifies that whenever Dharma faced lassitude, the Guru-disciple tradition took active part in the process of reinstatement of Dharma.

Today, since the society is practicing unrighteous ways of life, the spiritual strength of the Nation has reduced. Under the guise of Dharma, unrighteous behaviour goes on rampantly. In short, the soul of Sanatan Dharma is missing and its lifeless skin has remained. Hence, it has become inevitable that Dharma be reinstated.

Today, reinstatement of Dharma means creation of an ideal, alternative system of governance based on Dharma. Brahmatej and Kshatratej are the two aspects necessary for reinstatement of Dharma. On the strength of spiritual practice, most Saints and Spiritual organisations such as Sanatan Sanstha are nurturing spiritual strength, that is, Brahmatej; whereas, to change the pathetic state of the Nation, nationalist and devout organisations such as the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Periodicals and intellectuals are actively working at the physical, psychological and intellectual levels respectively. They are all nurturing Kshatratej. The nature of this mission is given ahead.

1. Physical : Taking actual physical action for reinstatement of Dharma; for example, preventing harm to Dharma, organising agitations against harm to Dharma, protesting lawfully, etc.

2. Psychological : There is a principle – ‘Unless national and religious feelings are awakened, action does not take place’. Hindus in general should be educated on the concept of reinstating Dharma and be inspired to become proactive for this noble cause; for example, giving educative articles in Newspapers, Periodicals, etc, giving speeches, etc.

3. Intellectual : Giving direction to the Hindu society for reinstating Dharma; for example, presenting scholarly analysis of threats to the Hindus, providing intellectual strength to organisations.

4. Spiritual : Performing spiritual practice so as to provide spiritual strength to the physical, psychological and intellectual mission for reinstatement of Dharma; for example, chanting or performing Yajnas (Sacrificial fires) for the fulfilment of any task.

In addition to the Guru-disciple tradition, every Hindu should perform the task as per his ability for reinstating Dharma and nurture the Guru-disciple tradition.

O’ Hindus ! From this Guru Purnima, be proactive to reinstate Dharma and become an integral, radiant part of the historic event of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (Founder of Sanatan Sanstha)

Rangoli to attract the Guru Principle

All the festivals in Hindu Dharma, including religious rituals, are related to Deities. The Principle of a specific Deity is present in the environment in a higher proportion on the day of the respective festival or is attracted to the venue where religious rituals of that Deity are being performed. Rangolis too attract and emit the Principles of Deities to a higher extent, thus charging the environment. To attract maximum of Shri Guru’s Principle on Guru Purnima day, draw the rangoli as shown above.

History testifies that whenever Dharma faced lassitude, the Guru-disciple tradition took active part in reinstating Dharma !