Attempts to execute death penalty by lethal injection fails in USA

Execution postponed after IV failure

Washington DC (USA) – An attempt to execute a convict by lethal injection failed in Idaho, USA. The execution was postponed after the medical team failed to establish an IV after eight attempts and the medical team leader determined that it’d be unlikely that they’d be able to establish IV access.

According to the news agency AFP, 73-year-old Thomas Creech was tied to the lethal death injection table (on a stretcher). Following that, the medical team tried but they could not find the vein. Thomas Creech was convicted in 1981 for the murder of 5 people. Since then, he has been in prison for 43 years.

Approval to execute using lethal injection

Execution using lethal injection is considered more humane than methods of execution such as gas, electric shock, or hanging. The reasoning behind this is that a drug used in this injection renders the criminal unconscious. So, the dying person does not feel pain. However, many doctors opposed lethal injection as an ethical violation, but still its use was approved.

Editorial Perspective

India has a low rate of giving death sentences to convicts and an even lower rate of executions. While different methods of execution prevalent in foreign countries are being discussed in India, it also needs to be discussed how the convicts on death row in India will be executed !