Once Bharat declares itself a Hindu Rashtra, 15 more countries are prepared to become Hindu Rashtra

Puri Peeth Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswatiji Maharaj reiterates

Mumbai, 4th February – “Bharat is the heart of the world. Bharat becoming directionless affects the world negatively. Hence, it is necessary to bring back Bharat to its original form. Once Bharat declares itself a Hindu Rashtra, the world’s fifteen other countries are prepared to declare themselves Hindu Rashtra as well”, said Puri Peeth’s Shankaracharya Swami Nischalanand Saraswatiji Maharaj at ‘Hindu Rashtra Dharma Sabha’. He was speaking at the programme organised in Santacruz (West), Mumbai at the Hiravati Banquet Hall. The audience asked questions and got their doubts clarified during the programme.

Other points presented by Swami Nischalananda Saraswatiji Maharaj –

1. It is necessary to make changes in the Constitution according to the times. The Indian Constitution is limited to India, but the Manu Smruti applies to all periods and the universe. Still, those who are against making changes in the Constitution, talk about changing the scriptures.

2. The current development is not favourable for the environment; hence, it cannot be called development. The environment is being destroyed in the name of development.

3. Administration that provides every individual education, accommodation, service and security is expected.

4. Numerous Sanatanis in foreign countries, who, because of prevailing conditions have been distanced from Sanatan Dharma, are willing to return once again to their original Dharma.