If the World War 3 breaks out, it will last for 5 years

Artificial Intelligence  (AI) predicts

London (Britain) – Artificial intelligence (AI) has revealed insights on World War 3. “If World War 3 breaks out, it could last 5 years and kill more than 2 crore people. In the next 11 months, ChatGPT has warned that in their scenario there will be a “triggering event” that will set the terrifying wheels in motion for a “sudden escalation” of tensions between Russia and the US.

(Credits – How To Survive)

As the fighting continues into 2025, The conflict expands into a larger theatre, involving NATO allies and Russian-aligned states. Cyber attacks intensify, impacting critical infrastructure. ChatGPT says alliances will start to clearly form. The US are set to strengthen their friendship with NATO members as Russia grows closer to “certain regional partners”.

In 2026, when WW3 will be all but declared as the rest of the world gets involved – including mega powers across the globe. The chat tool said: “Other major powers, such as China, become involved in the conflict, either directly or indirectly, complicating the geopolitical landscape.

In 2027, According to ChatGPT, the growing fear over nuclear weapons won’t reach boiling point until 2027. Although a nuke attack will be not be carried out yet due to the major concerns all parties involved have over the devastation they could cause.

After four years of fighting and millions of lives lost, many countries will begin to rethink their stance on the war, according to ChatGPT. It thinks that the world will see several attempts at a ceasefire and constant peace negotiations taking place.

Credits : The Sun, UK

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The AI bot – the ever-evolving creation of OpenAI – works via machine learning and is used by people worldwide to generate text, answer questions and even have thoughtful conversations.