New Delhi – ‘Amritpal Singh, the chief of the organisation ‘Waris de Punjab’, is not a Khalistani. He knows nothing about Khalistan, but he will make a lot of money in the name of Khalistan. Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI is using Amritpal as a weapon, but it will not use him permanently. When he will be of no use, it will find someone else. Pakistan also knows that if Khalistan is established, the next target of Khalistan will be Lahore. Therefore, Pakistan will never allow the formation of Khalistan. Therefore, the real enemy of Khalistan is not India, but Pakistan’, Jaswant Singh Thekedar, the founder of the organisation ‘Dal Khalsa’ and former Khalistani leader, made a statement in an interview.
Aam Aadmi Party is inefficient !
Jaswant Singh termed the Aam Aamdi Party Government in Punjab as inefficient regarding Khalistan. He alleged that AAP is taking a soft stance towards Khalistan sympathisers and supporters. Due to this, the Khalistani movement has become active again, he said.
Referendum for Khalistan, a conspiracy !
Jaswant Singh called the referendum for Khalistan a conspiracy. He said that some banned organisations are practicing profanity. No such referendum has been demanded by Punjab. A banned outfit is making the demand on the instructions of the ISI. If a citizen with an Indian passport had made such a demand, it would have been still understandable, but people who are citizens of Canada, the UK, the USA, etc. and vote in their country, have no right to make such a demand.
If some demands of Khalistanis are accepted, the movement will end !
Jaswant Singh said that if the Government accepts some of the demands of the Khalistan leaders, the movement will end. If demands such as the release of Sikh political prisoners, abrogation of Article 25B 2, etc. are accepted, this movement will gradually weaken. Accepting these demands won’t harm the country.
Prime Minister Modi has done and is doing a lot for Sikhs !
Jaswant Singh Thekedar further said that Prime Minister Modi has done a lot for Sikhs. He respects the Sikhs and has done and is doing many things for them. He opened the Kartarpur Corridor. He also announced the awards in the honour of Guru Gobind Singh’s two sons.