Russia could launch a nuclear attack on us at any time : Ukrainian President Zelenskyy warns

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Kyiv (Ukraine) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed that the world should be prepared as there is a possibility of Russian President Vladimir Putin using nuclear weapons and chemical weapons.

Aircrafts capable of striking a nuclear weapon were spotted near the Ukrainian border

On the 55th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine, four Russian nuclear warheads were seen flying over the Ukrainian border. According to British intelligence as well, Russia could drop a nuclear bomb on Ukraine at any time.

US President’s visit to Ukraine cancelled

US President Joe Biden`s Ukraine tour is cancelled. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy had appealed the US President Joe Biden to visit the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and support their fight against Russia. For that Joe Biden was to visit Kyiv.

Though the reason for cancelling Biden`s visit is not clear, the question arises whether it might be due to the possibility of Russia`s nuclear attack on Ukraine.