After Pakistan, FATF places Turkey also on the grey list

(The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a global organisation working to formulate a global policy against those who finance terrorism and launder black money.)

Islamabad (Pakistan) – The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) had placed Pakistan on the grey list and now even Turkey has been listed on its grey list. Turkey was trying to remove Pakistan from the grey list. Both the countries may now find it difficult to obtain financial assistance from other countries, as well as from international financial institutions.

Pak alleged FATF has taken this step against us under the pressure of India. (Pakistan is prejudiced and full of anti-India sentiments. It will be a turning point for Pakistan when it understands that it is becoming a joke in front of the world by accusing India, as it is reaping the fruits of its crimes – Editor) FATF however, has denied the allegations. ‘FATF President, Dr Marcus Pleyer said Pakistan has to show that it is taking serious action against terrorists and their organisations. FATF takes decisions based on consensus.