1. Importance of chanting ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’
So long as the mind is active, its dissolution does not take place. Whatever be the attempts, such as removal of personality defects and ego, awakening of bhav (Spiritual emotion), etc. to make the mind thoughtless, it remains active. Similarly, even if the Name of a particular Deity is chanted continuously, the mind remains active and the memories of God, bhav, etc. come to mind. Conversely, if we chant ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’, the mind does not remember anything else. This is because according to one spiritual rule ‘Word, touch, form, taste, fragrance and their energies co-exist’, the mind becomes one with the word ‘Nirvichar’ and thoughtless; meaning, first dissolution of the mind, dissolution of the intellect, dissolution of the subconscious mind and finally dissolution of the ego take place. As a result, it helps attain the nirgun (Non-materialised) state early.
1A. Conduct the following experiment
1. Look at any object and experience what it feels like while chanting ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’. We will feel that looking at something pleasant does not make us happy, nor does the unpleasant make us sad.
2. If seekers find the word ‘Nirvichar’ or chanting ‘Nirvichar’ difficult, they should chant ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’ more every day for a few months and tell us what you feel; write to [email protected] or send it to Mrs. Bhagyashree Sawant, Sanatan Ashram, 24 / B Ramnathi, Bandora, Ponda, Goa. 403 401.
If this chant starts smoothly over time, it should be continued. The chanting of ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’ is the last chant in the spiritual practice as per Gurukrupayoga (Path of Guru’s grace).
2. For those who have distress caused by negative energies
Seekers who have severe, moderate or mild distress caused by negative energies should chant what has been advised to them as spiritual remedies. This is because it is more important for such seekers to eliminate their distress first. Therefore, even after the period of spiritual remedies, they should chant one of the japas as found in spiritual remedies for the rest of the time.
3. Seekers on the Path of devotion or Path of knowledge
There can be devotion in the chants of Deities; whereas in Jnanayoga, the mind becoming thoughtless has its benefits of this state because in Spirituality, one has to go finally to nirgun, state of thoughtlessness. Even those on the Path of devotion want to go from sagun (Materialised) devotion to nirgun devotion in the end. Therefore, whether a seeker is on the Path of devotion, or the Path of knowledge or one who performs spiritual practice by any other Path, everyone will benefit by chanting ‘Nirvichar’.
4. It is not necessary to have bhav while chanting ‘Nirvichar’
If the word ‘Nirvichar’ is chanted with bhav, spiritual progress is faster due to God’s blessings thus obtained. Jnanyogis find it difficult to chant with bhav due to their intellect; therefore, it is easy for them to chant ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’. In short, it is easy for everyone to chant ‘Nirvichar’.
5. Supplementing ‘Nirvichar’ chant with chanting done during the process of personality defects removal (PDR)
So far, seekers were trying to overcome improper thoughts through the PDR process but this takes many years. If there are more personality defects, it may take several births to remove them. Supplementing the chant ‘Nirvichar’ with this method along with trying to remove one defect at a time will reduce many defects at the same time. Therefore, progress will be faster. Now, the next period in Kaliyug is very short for performing spiritual practice. This reminds me of a Hindi idiom – ‘If you master one aspect, the rest will be accomplished. If you try to master all aspects, nothing will be achieved’.
6. Mudra
There is no need for a separate mudra for this chant; but if one wants to, make a mudra which is convenient.
– Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale
Individual spiritual experiences of seekers published here are according to the Principle – ‘Where there is bhav (Spiritual emotion), there is God’. It is not that every individual will have similar experiences. |
While chanting ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’, seekers should remember the following aspects
1. So far, seekers were meditating or chanting between 9.30 to 10 in the morning or night. This need not be done.
2. Chanting ‘Shri Durgadevya Namaha (3 times) – ‘Shri Gurudev Datta – Shri Durgadevya Namaha (3 times) – Om Namaha Shivaya should be done 108 times daily sitting in one place to enhance immunity against coronavirus and obtain spiritual strength. If there are symptoms of coronavirus, ask the responsible seekers and chant what they suggest more for more time as required.
3.If a seeker is chanting the Name of the Kuladevata (Family Deity), he may continue if he wishes to; however if he wants to go to the chant of the next stage, then he
should chant ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’.
4. Saints and seekers chanting for samashti : Some Saints chant for samashti (Society) for a few hours, and some seekers who are a spiritual level above 60% chant
to remove the obstacles of negative energies in the propagation of Dharma to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’.
They should also chant ‘Nirvichar’ or ‘Shri Nirvicharaya Namaha’ after the necessary prayers.
– Shrisatshakti (Mrs.) Binda Singbal, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.