Mumbai – Over the past 10 days, the 5,000 strong Dawoodi Bohra community in Kolkata has ushered in a dramatic lifestyle change to wean children away from mobile phones. While some parents have enrolled their kids in winter boot camps, others have bought board games and books, and most have reorganised their schedules to increase family time.
The urgency follows a ‘firman’ on 19th Dec by the community’s supreme leader, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, calling for a global ban on the use of cell phones by all community children below the age of 15.
More than 90% of parents have succeeded in convincing their children to give up their mobile phones. Most parents wanted to do something to reduce their kids’ screen time. Now that there is a directive from the top, they have a legitimate reason to take cell phones away and replace them with activities and books, as per the reports.
Some of the parents said that they were making efforts to introduce meaningful activities for their children and were themselves not using mobile phones when at home.
Editorial PerspectiveConcerned citizens feel that the Government should take steps to restrict the excessive use of mobile phones by children. |