Pataliputra (Bihar) – It has been found that a person burnt the Manusmriti at Sitamarhi in Bihar. Citizens demand that Police take immediate action against the culprit. X account of Sitamarhi Police informed that a person called Jay Saraf was burning the Manusmriti and sharing it live on social media. This may lead to a state of fear in the masses and lead to a caste conflict. The SP has ordered an enquiry into the matter.
Students of Banaras Hindu University attempt to burn the Manusmriti
Some students of BHU had gathered at a chowk in Varanasi in UP to burn the Manusmriti. (It is shameful that a University which has Hindu in its name has students who attempt to burn the Manusmriti – Editor) They were raising slogans and even tried to beat up those present here. After being informed about this, the Police arrested 13 students. This even included 3 girl students. All these students belong to different departments of BHU. It has been found that they are affiliated to an organisation called Bhagat Singh Morcha.
Editorial PerspectiveWhen will Hindu-haters realise that burning the Manusmriti will not burn the thoughts there in ? The Government should take strict action against those who have hurt Hindu sentiments by burning or attempting to burn a Hindu scripture. |