The Need to Develop an Ideal Personality

To be able to face any difficult situation in life courageously without disturbing the mental balance, and to perform every action in an exemplary manner, it is necessary to be strong mentally and have an ideal personality. Personality defects in an individual weakens his / her mind, while virtues help in developing an ideal personality. Therefore, to develop an ideal personality, it is necessary to eliminate personality defects and nurture virtues.

1. Personality defects are big obstacles in leading a happy life

According to a Sanskrut adage – The mind is the cause of man’s bondage (getting trapped in the cycles of birth-and-death) as well as attaining Moksha (getting liberated from the cycles of birth-and-death and getting the eternal experience of Anand [Bliss] and Shanti [Peace] consistently which is beyond happiness and sorrow). Personality defects that are part of an individual’s character are responsible for his sorrow, while his virtues are responsible for his happiness.

Various situations in daily life expose our virtues and personality defects. Personality defects create situations of conflict and tension in life. After such stressful situations are created, the blame is passed on to the environment, situation and the personality defects of the people involved in the situation; however, no attempt is made to address the personality defects that are the root cause. Result – the personality defects of the people involved remain the same. Consequently, the individual is deprived of the peace of mind; therefore, to lead a happy life, it is mandatory to eliminate the obstacle of personality defects.

2. Personality defects are obstacles in spiritual progress as well

Personality defects (the six foes) are verily obstacles in the efforts for God-realisation, meaning, spiritual practice. The six foes manifest through the medium of personality defects. Therefore, the energy obtained through spiritual practice is wasted in rectifying the mistakes committed due to personality defects.

More the personality defects, more is the number of mistakes committed by the individual in his vyashti sadhana (Individual spiritual practice) and samashti sadhana (Collective spiritual practice). More the number of mistakes, the further the individual moves away from God. God-realisation is the goal of a seeker, irrespective of his Path of spiritual practice.

Just as a drop of oil cannot mix with water due to its inherent difference in properties, so also the seeker, without elimination of his personality defects and cultivation of virtues, cannot unite with the faultless and all-pervading God. Hence, it is necessary to eliminate the obstacles in the form of six foes in spiritual practice and later, merge with God by removing the personality defects and imbibing virtues.

3. Necessity of supporting sadhana with efforts for personality defect removal

Those who perform sadhana (Spiritual practice) feel that it will automatically remove their personality defects (six foes). Technically speaking, this may not be incorrect; however, there is no guarantee that this process will happen easily for everyone.

It depends on various factors such as the goal of sadhana, the yearning for God-realisation, the centre created in the subconscious mind for God, the actual sadhana performed, etc. Although the purpose of sadhana is to eliminate the six foes within the self, effectively meaning gaining control over all kind of actions and reactions, personality defects are the sanskars (Subtle impressions) on the subconscious mind that are brought forward from various past lives and are so deeply rooted in the subconscious mind that they cannot be easily removed through sadhana.

Until the dissolution of the mind and intellect takes place due to the spiritual progress made through sadhana, the mind and intellect continue to function. Till these are functional, the personality defects also remain active.

The negative thoughts and reactions that appear in the mind deprives the individual of Anand (Bliss), and as a result, the individual is likely to get mentally exhausted. Therefore, it is inevitable to make conscious efforts to remove the personality defects without thinking that they will get removed automatically.

4. A well-educated society is needed to eliminate the plight of the Nation

The health of people that make society and that of society as a whole, are interdependent. While thinking about the happiness of people, due to the influence of social conditions on individual life, it becomes essential to think about the happiness of society, alternatively the Nation. Many vices have spread in the prevailing social system. We experience this frequently in our daily life. In India, political, social, economic and educational sectors have become more or less polluted due to the consolidation of personality defects in the four important basic elements of the society – rulers, people, employees and religious leaders.

The countrymen have not only stopped abiding by Dharma and ethics, but have been making heinous mockery of Dharma and ethics, which has resulted in the downfall of the Nation. To improve the overall social system, it is the prime duty of every element of society to remove his own vices and inculcate virtues. In order to civilize the society by combining Dharma & day-to-day life and to create inner unity among the elements of society, it is necessary to remove personality defects, as well as cultivate virtues.

(Read Sanatan’s Texts on Personality Defect Removal)

To face any difficult situation in life courageously, it is necessary to be strong mentally and have an ideal personality !