Soldier’s widow gets pension after 69 years!

Unpardonable mistake by the government officials! Soldiers put their lives on the line for the country. It is shameful that the government officials are totally insensitive to this! Such irresponsible officials such be awarded stringent punishment!

New Delhi –Gagan Singh, a soldier died in 1952, leaving behind a wife who was just 12.[A1] . Although his wife was supposed to receive pension after his death, she never received it. The Indian Army also never made a note of this. (Such type of insensitivity is not expected from the Indian Army! – Editor) D.S. Bhandari, a retired official took initiative regarding this matter and his persistent efforts finally bore fruit. Now, after 69 years Paruli Devi is entitled to get pension. According to the information given by Bhandari, Paruli Devi will receive approximately Rupees 20 lakhs as arrears accumulated for the last 44 years since in 1977, besides a monthly pension.