Hindu Janajagruti Samiti organised Online ‘Hindu Rashtra-Jagruti Sabhas’ in Marathi and Hindi on 6th and 7th February respectively for the first time since the Coronavirus outbreak. Tremendous response was received to these Sabhas which were aired live on YouTube Live and Facebook. Nearly 78,000 people viewed the Sabha in Marathi and 38,250 people in Hindi. Both the Sabhas began with the blowing of a conch. Auspicious lamps were lit in the presence of dignitaries in the Sabhas. Vedamantras were recited. The dignitaries addressed the meetings Online.
Hindu Dharma showed the world how ideal an individual, society and country should be : Mr. Pramod Muthalik (President, Sriram Sene)
“Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti are creating awareness in society to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. I congratulate them for conducting this mission. Hindu Dharma has never ridiculed any religion. God is one; however, Hindu Dharma teaches that its form is different. Many foreigners invaded India and inflicted numerous atrocities on Hindus, looted property, destroyed temples, tried to destroy Hindu culture because Hindu society was not organised. Hindus should protect God, the Nation & Dharma by creating radiance of Dharma in themselves so that such a situation does not arise again”.
Mr. Muthalik added, “India got Indepen-dence after a long struggle. At that time, one part of India was given to Muslims and called ‘Pakistan’. The partition of India was painful. Why was the sacrifice of lives by the freedom fighters ignored at that time ? Why was India partitioned ? Congress should answer this question. India is still suffering the devastating results of partition. Devout Hindu organisations such as Sanatan Sanstha have created awareness among Hindus. Their pride has been awakened”.
It is necessary to perform spiritual practice to preserve inner strength : Sadguru Nandkumar Jadhav (Sanatan’s Saint)
“Today, the Nation & Dharma are in a transition phase. The coronavirus time has shown how unscientific and harmful has been the blind imitation of Western culture. The whole world adopted the method of greeting with palms joined.
There is a scientific reason behind every action, and what the Sages and Ascetics say and practice as per Dharma mentioned in the Scriptures is not regressive. Therefore, study the Hindu culture from a scientific perspective and practice Dharma with faith. Abiding by Dharma builds inner strength and enables coping with difficult situations”.
Many Saints and Seers have foretold the ensuing adverse times. Today, the sword of World War 3 is hanging over our head. No one knows when and where it will start. However, we have to be prepared to face it. For this, there is no alternative to performing spiritual practice. We can start with chanting the Name of our Kuladevata (Family Deity).
Strive continuously to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ : Mr. Ramesh Shinde (National Spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti)
“Due to the special preferences and concessions given to the minorities in India, various types of ‘Jihad’ are being spread. Hindus are being made intolerant by forcing them to forget the history of their oppression. However, the Government should be urged to teach true history without falling victim to this propaganda. Currently, a new parallel economy called ‘Halal Certificate’ has been created, and the money generated from it is being used to commit crimes in India. Therefore, do not buy Halal products. Establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is not far off if Hindus unite by ignoring the differences in their mission to protect Dharma”.
We should firmly aver that we are Hindus by birth and karma : Dr. Vijay Jangam (Spokesperson, All India Virshaiva Lingayat Mahasangh)
“It is unfortunate that Hindus need to be made aware of Hindu Dharma. Many sects in Hindu Dharma are demand to establish their own religion. This is a conspiracy to divide Hindus. It should be realised that the Lingayat community is also a part of Hindu Dharma. We Hindus should decide whether the Nation should progress or the Hindu lineage should come to an end. Let us resolve to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ following the ideal of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s Swarajya”.
Pledge to establish ‘Hindu Rashtra’ for national upliftment and welfare of the world : Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingale (National Guide of HJS)
“A conspiracy has been hatched to spread Hindu-hatred through films, web series, etc. An anti-blasphemy law is needed to curb this. We demand from the Government to legislate a harsh anti-blasphemy law so that those who deride Hindu Deities can be severely punished. Violence broke out in Delhi on the important day of Republic Day in the name of farmers’ movement. Now it has come to light that anti-India organisations have been supporting this movement. However, if Hindus protest, violent action is taken against them”.
Concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ must be spread everywhere : Mr. Suresh Chavanke (Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of ‘Sudarshan TV Vahini)
“The farmers’ agitation in Delhi was an anti-national act. Hindus should learn from it and unite. Every day, I come across many videos of injustice being done to Hindus due to jihads such as ‘Love Jihad’, ‘Land Jihad’. ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is required to prevent injustice to Hindus. For this reason, the concept of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ must be spread everywhere. Hindus should unite and resolve that they will not give a single centimetre of land to other religions, nor will they lose a single woman by falling prey to Love Jihad”.
Abiding by Dharma regularly builds inner strength : Mr. Abhay Vartak
“Today, the Nation & Dharma are in a transition phase. Visionary Saints and Sages have predicted the impending adverse times. Inner strength, besides physical fitness is essential for coping with the adverse times. Abiding by Dharma regularly builds inner strength in us. Therefore, every deed in daily life should be according to Dharma”.
Government should legislate a harsh anti-blasphemy law so that those who deride Hindu Deities are severely punished !
Self-defence techniques were demonstrated by seekers and appeals were made to child-seekers for Dharmacharan (Abiding by Dharma) during the Sabhas. Dharmashikshan Posters were also exhibited.
At the end of the Sabhas, resolutions were passed for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ as well as for various demands of Hindus, which were supported by the audience by giving a positive Online feedback.
Another 117 acres of land donated to Shri Vitthal-Rukmini Temple recovered : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)
Pandharpur – “The Temple Committee has recently announced that out of hundreds of acres donated by devotees at the Holy feet of Shri Vitthal, 117 acres have been taken over by the Temple Committee during the lockdown. In 2014, through Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad, HJS filed a PIL in the Bombay High Court against the scam admeasuring 1250 acres of Shri Vitthal Temple. The High Court had admitted the petition and directed the Maharashtra Government and the Temple Committee to file an affidavit on the PIL, and ordered the formation of teams of Tehsildars to identify the Temple land. As a result, the Temple Committee had got back 900 acres earlier and now, it has got back 117 acres of land. “We believe that this was possible only due to the grace of Sri Vitthal”, said Mr. Sunil Ghanwat (State Organiser of HJS).