A claim by a Pakistani writer: Mohammad Ali Jinnah himself wanted the Partition of India

If only Jinnah wanted the Partition of India, why Gandhi, Nehru, and the Congress did not resist and reject ? No one provides the answers to these questions. 

Islamabad (Pakistan) – The stubbornness of Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the main reason for the Partition of India. A scholar of political science Ishtiyaq Ahmad made this claim. This information is in his book: ‘Jinnah: His Success, Failure, and Role in History’.

He stated in this book –

  1. The Congress with the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru was adamant that there will be no Partition of India. However, the leader of the Muslim League Mohammad Ali Jinnah insisted on the partition. Jinnah proclaimed Congress as a Hindu party and Mahatma Gandhi as the ‘dictator’.
  2. On 22nd March 1940 at Lahore, Jinnah gave the presidential speech. On 23rd March, the Muslim League passed the resolution. Consequent to this Jinnah and the Muslim League did not express, even once, the desire to accept India without Partition.
  3. Through several speeches, lectures, and declarations, it was evident that Jinnah was insisting on the Partition of India and the creation of Pakistan. Britain agreed for the Partition. It was in their self-interest. United India under Congress cannot fulfil the policies of the British Government. British Government feared that united India will go along with the Soviet Union. Jinnah not only wanted a separate country for Muslims but also desired that Sikh and Dravid (Southern people) should get their sovereign country. It is a blatant lie that Jinnah wished to create a secular Pakistan.
  4. Muslim League was aware that both nations will harbour the minority communities. If the Muslims suffer in India, Pakistan will make the Hindus suffer. On 30th March 1941, in the reply to a question, Jinnah said, ‘I am willing to sacrifice two crore Muslims to liberate seven crore Muslims’.
  5. The Muslim population in India was three and a half crores at that time.