Mrs. Kailashkumari Maheshchandra Solanki of UK attains Sainthood

(Left) H.H. (Mrs.) Kailashkumari Solanki and Mr. Maheshchandra Solanki; Dr. Manoj Solanki is standing at the back

Ramnathi (Goa) – Mrs. Kailashkumari Maheshchandra Solanki (Age 67), residing in the UK for the past 18 years has attained Sainthood as declared in a function held in Sanatan’s Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.

H.H. (Mrs.) Solanki is the maternal aunt of Sanatan’s seeker in Goa, Dr. Manoj Solanki. She has shown that with qualities such as bhav (Spiritual emotion), yearning for spiritual practice and ‘living in the present’, spiritual progress is possible while staying anywhere in the world.