1. Satseva is that which moulds a seeker from inside
Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale cannot be omnipresent in the gross form. He meets us through Saints and spiritually evolved seekers.
H.H. (Ms.) Rekha Kankonkar is now a medium to meet Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale. She narrates finer points of how to perform even the smallest activity in the kitchen. Make efforts to get full benefit of Her guidance.
Everyone prefers satseva (Spiritual service) of working on computers; however, seekers struggle while performing satseva such as cleaning utensils, wiping platforms in the kitchen, etc. Through these very satsevas, God cleanses us from outside and inside. Satseva is that which moulds a seeker from inside.
If you participate in this process (followed in Sanatan’s Ashrams for speedy removal of personality defects and ego, and enhance seekership qualities), you will obtain Anand (Bliss) according to the extent of ease with which this process is completed, even though some delay will be caused in achieving the desired output.
2. A true seeker makes efforts upon enquiring about his mistakes
When we leave home and come to the Ashram, we are not used to behaving with restrictions. Several restrictions are there while performing samashti sadhana (Spiritual practice for the spread of Spirituality) in the Ashram. This makes a seeker struggle since things do not take place as per his/her wish.
We are not used to accepting the truth; hence, we are afraid of facing those who tell us our mistakes. We cannot accept our mistakes easily for the fear of losing our self-image. We are afraid that if we accept the mistakes pointed out, we will be punished in a way we will not be able to tolerate.
God has provided us with a very favourable environment to perform spiritual practice. God wants to purify our subconscious mind and purify our Saptadeha (Seven subtle bodies surrounding the gross body) such as the mental body, causal body, etc. Then, why should we be afraid of mistakes ?
Those who think themselves to be ‘ideal’, have expectations from the self; they also expect that others appreciate them. Appreciation pleases the ego. A true seeker makes efforts upon enquiring about his mistakes. Later, he undertakes his journey as a seeker to becoming a disciple and then a Saint.
3. God takes us in the direction of
God-realisation Himself
through the narrator of mistakes
We cannot do anything alone. We can progress spiritually with team efforts and seeking assistance. We should also be able to listen to others, even from those who are younger to us. We can understand from seekers, who were fortunate enough to experience the company of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale, how deep introspection of mistakes has been done by Him. God Himself takes us in the direction of God-realisation through the narrator of mistakes instead of Saints and seekers.
We should not look at mistakes of the one who is pointing out our mistakes. We should concentrate on our mistakes only. To point out the mistakes of one who showed our mistakes is an attitude of revenge and extroversion. If we follow this, there is no possibility of our improving. We will waste our time. If you wish to progress spiritually, you should learn to introspect deeply.
One seeker said, “Since Ms. Prerana Patil is younger, I struggle to accept mistakes told by her”. At such a time, we should not consider the age of those who are pointing out our mistakes. In society, the age, post, education, etc. are considered important; however, in spiritual practice, these aspects are secondary. We are not aware of the spiritual practice of that individual in his past births. Do we consider the age of Sant Janabai or Sant Muktabai ?
4. Perform satseva with bhav
If the foundation of a building is strong, it is considered well-built. Bhumi-pujan (Religious ritual performed before the construction of a premises) is done to ensure that the foundation of the premises is strong. Likewise, to ensure that the foundation of spiritual practice is strong, efforts made during the process by striving hard will prove to be very beneficial. Do whatever you can, but do it with bhav (Spiritual emotion). When satseva is performed with bhav, you remain conscious that it was possible only because of God.
Sadguru (Mrs.) Binda Singbal