Bail obtained by forgery of judges’ signatures in Pune !

Pune – Investigations have revealed that bail was obtained through the use of a forged court order, counterfeit signatures, and fake judge stamps. The accused also falsified signatures on the officers’ verdicts to secure bail. The manager of the defrauded establishment, Nitin Mitkar, explained that a fraudulent order was submitted, stating that the accused should be released due to the lack of evidence against them. The case is set to be heard again; however, before the hearing, the court has instructed the parties to approach the police to investigate who forged the judges’ signatures. Legal experts, however, argue that the court itself should have initiated a police case on this matter.

A case is currently being heard in the Pune Civil Court between C.T.R. Establishment and Ison M.R. Establishment over a patent ownership dispute. During the proceedings, it was discovered that the judge’s signature on the order was forged after the copy of the order was reviewed.

Editorial Perspective

Imposing life sentences on such individuals is the only way to prevent others from following suit !