Mumbai – ‘Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Aatmanirbhar Bharat mission and gave the mantra Ek Hai, Toh Safe Hai (If we stay united, we will remain safe). Based on this, we can achieve a lot in terms of development. Therefore, everyone should follow this mantra’, Goa’s Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said. He was addressing the annual conference of the ‘World Hindu Economic Forum’ at the Jio World Convention Centre in the Bandra-Kurla Complex.
‘Only Those With 3-4 Wives Have an Issue with Uniform Civil Code,’ – Goa CM Pramod Sawant at World Hindu Economic Forum @WHEForum in Mumbai
“One Nation, One Election’ initiative is a welcome step”pic.twitter.com/7ghXGXFCsO
— Sanatan Prabhat (@SanatanPrabhat) December 13, 2024
CM Sawant further said,
1. In the past, when large-scale conversions were happening in Goa, and temples were being destroyed, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Dharmaveer Sambhaji Maharaj took the initiative to stop such acts. They made an agreement with the Portuguese to ensure that such events would not happen again. After that, no such incidents took place in Goa.
2. I believe that besides Maharashtra, Goa is the only State that celebrates Shiv Jayanti and Shiv Rajyabhishekotsav.
3. The implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is essential in the country. After it was implemented in Goa, no community or religion faced any difficulty. The UCC should be implemented across the country as soon as possible.
4. There is no other stock market in the world like the one in India. The citizens of India have great trust in entrepreneurs from the grassroots level. Because of this trust, they confidently invest in their enterprises. This trust in entrepreneurs is what is driving India toward progress. In the next 50 years, India’s economy will grow significantly.