Uniqueness of the Sanatan Almanac
Many entrepreneurs print calendars with their advertisements to promote their company. They gift these to their customers, employees, relatives, etc. Many entrepreneurs are unable to participate in the actual mission of serving Dharma due to their busy schedules.
To achieve these objectives, entrepreneurs can think of providing their advertisements for the space available in Sanatan’s Almanac. Besides giving adequate publicity to their businesses, entrepreneurs will help readers benefit from the information in the Almanac regarding the protection of the Nation and bringing about awakening on our Dharma. This will thus ensure their participation in the mission of spreading Dharma.
Seeing Sanatan’s selfless work , Bafna Jewellers from Pune, Electrotherm from Gujarat, Metro Buildtech from Delhi and Kumaran Silk from Chennai, besides many companies from all over India have printed the Sanatan Almanac at their request, carrying just their advertisements.
O’ Entrepreneurs ! Participate in the mission of spreading Dharma by printing your company’s advertisements in the Sanatan Almanac, which imparts education on Dharma to Hindus and urges them to protect Dharma !
Entrepreneurs who are interested in participating in this activity should send their information to E-mail : sanatan.sanstha2025@gmail.com at least 3 to 4 weeks before the Almanac is to be sent for printing.
If there is some clarification required in this regard, please contact
Mrs Bhagyashree Sawant on 7058885610.
E-mail : sanatan.sanstha2025@gmail.com
Note : Entrepreneurs are requested to provide the artwork of their advertisements to be printed in the Almanac.
O’ Entrepreneurs ! Participate in the mission of spreading Dharma by printing your advertisements in the Sanatan Almanac ! |