The seekers of Sanatan are fortunate to be blessed with the presence of Gurus in the form of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (Incarnation of Shri Vishnu), and the Incarnations of Shri Mahalakshmi – Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Nilesh Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil. Seekers are receiving darshan and guidance from them. We have read about their Divine qualities in ‘Sanatan Prabhat’. Their presence, darshan, guidance and conversation are transforming seekers. On the occasion of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil’s Birth Anniversary, I present with deep gratitude the Divine teachings and insights about Her, as revealed by the grace of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale
Telling about the Divine process of obtaining subtle knowledge In 2005, by the grace of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil conducted workshops in Thane District on how is subtle knowledge obtained. After reading the question, She would immediately obtain answers from the subtle realm. Her fingers would swiftly move across the computer keyboard, typing the
answers to the questions. Seekers were very curious and eager to learn about the Divine process of obtaining knowledge from the subtle realm. Our wish was fulfilled through Her workshops. She would type out answers to any question related to any topic, directly from the subtle realm.
1. Overcoming obstacles in full-time spiritual practice through chanting recommended by Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
A. Delay in the acceptance of my resignation from the job : In 2003, I decided to pursue full-time spiritual practice. On 7th August 2003, I submitted my resignation, but its acceptance was delayed. The officials who I sent the resignation to tried to dissuade me by saying, ‘How foolish you are ! You are taking a wrong decision in your life !’ They attempted to convince me against quitting, causing a lot of time to be wasted in this process.
B. Solution to remove obstacles in full-time spiritual practice through the chant given by Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil : During this time, I visited Sanatan Ashram in Devad, Panvel for seva. There I met Mrs Anjali Gadgil (now Shrichitshakti [Mrs] Anjali Gadgil). I shared my dilemma regarding my resignation. She reassured me, – ‘When a seeker decides to do full-time spiritual practice, evil forces create many obstacles. Don’t you worry !’ She suggested I chant to resolve this issue. I began chanting it
as instructed.
C. Chanting the Name given by Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil and acceptance of my resignation : Later, my resignation reached an important official for final approval. Initially, he tried to dissuade me, but at that very moment, with the Name still being chanted, the official suddenly said, “You can go now. I accept your resignation”. This was a major obstacle in my full-time seeking, which was now removed.
2. Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil narrates Her own efforts for awakening bhav and many seekers benefiting from it
A. Techniques of awakening bhav (Spiritual emotion) shared by Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil : In 2005, She came to Mulund, Mumbai to meet Her relatives. I went to meet Her, and during our conversation, She shared Her efforts to awaken bhav in every situation. For example, before sitting, She would think, ‘Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale sat here, and now I am sitting here’. Similarly, before entering the restroom, to avoid the discomfort of the Raja-Tama vibrations, She would think, ‘The Divine weapons of the Deities are clearing away all negative forces from this place’.
B. How small efforts towards awakening bhav as told by Her led to joy and enthusiasm to perform satseva throughout the day : At that time, I used to do Manaspuja after Arati in the morning as an effort to awaken my bhav; but I realised that I can make these small efforts told by Shrichitshakti throughout the day. With inspiration from Her, I started to imagine many small efforts to awaken bhav. This led to a newfound joy and enthusiasm to perform satseva throughout the day.Encouraged by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale to spread these experiments of awakening bhav, I began conducting satsangs on awakening bhav for seekers in Mumbai, Thane and Raigad Districts. They were well-received by the seekers, and many realised how simple it was to practice awakening of bhav.
3. Deep desire for the Ashram premises to appear vibrant and beautiful
In 2012, She visited Sanatan Ashram in Devad, Panvel.Due to limited space in the Ashram, the ‘Sanatan Panchang’, registers and other materials printed for distribution were stored in the prominent areas of the Ashram. A temporary shed was built to protect them from the sun and rain. She noticed it and said, ‘It doesn’t look good to keep the materials in this prominent area’. She instructed the materials and shed to be moved, thus making this prominent area of the Ashram look more vibrant and beautiful.
4. Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s chanting along with the seekers leads seekers to relief from sufferings at the spiritual level
Whenever She came to Devad Ashram, She would chant along with the seekers. I was fortunate enough to join them. While chanting, Her form appeared as Divine as a Goddess. At times, it felt like the fierce aspect of the Goddess had manifested. During the chanting, She would make different mudras (hand gestures), such as holding a Trishul or a Sudarshan-chakra or making a blessing gesture. It felt as if Divine weapons were being released from Her hands in the subtle form, and this presence would trouble the negative energies tormenting the seekers, relieving them of spiritual distress.
5. After speaking with Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil, a sense of entering a different realm followed by the mind becoming blissful and stable
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil has a very communicative nature. Even now, whenever I speak with Her, whether in person or over the phone, She shares Her experiences, learnings, and the extraordinary events She witnesses during Her travels. Her voice radiates sweetness and energy, and after speaking with Her, I often feel like I have entered a different world. I experience great joy, and my mind becomes stable and calm.
6. Connecting the priests and trustees of important temples across India with Sanatan through Her Incarnate Principle and vibrant voice
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil visits temples across India at the behest of the Saptarshis and seeks the blessings of Deities for Sanatan’s mission. Wherever She goes, She develops closeness everyone. In 2022, my family and I went to Tirupati to visit Shri Balaji. Then we went to the spiritually awakened temple of Varahaswami.
At that time, Mr Vinayak Shanbhag (Spiritual level 67%, Age 40) informed the local priests about our visit. It was surprising to see the chief priest of the temple looking for us and waiting for us outside. Due to the greatness of this temple, many people come here. So, no priest can meet us easily, and even if they do, it is difficult to recognise them. This Divine connection is a testament to the power of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s presence and Her ability to link such influential people with Sanatan. She has connected priests and trustees of many important temples across India with Sanatan.
7. Compassion for Saints and seekers
Whenever Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil visits Devad Ashram, She meets all the Saints and shares with them Her Divine experiences during Her touring.
While on Her tours, if She comes across sarees with sattvik colours and embroidery, Punjabi attire or any other items suitable for female seekers, or kurta, dhoti, etc. for male seekers, she sends it to the Ashram. This saves the time of seekers in the Ashram to shop for clothes and they have easy access to sattvik clothes.
8. Giving the Divine experience of Kailash Mansarovar through the mobile
She visited Kailash Mansarovar, and from there, She gave me a live darshan of the Divine Mount Kailash through Her mobile. Such a Divine gesture, thinking about others in such a profound way, can only be done by a Goddess ! No words can express my gratitude for Her for this act.
9. Divine work of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
A. Visiting temples across India and performing Puja and Yajna for the establishment of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ : She has visited many sacred and remote temples across India as instructed by Maharshis for the protection of Sanatan’s seekers, their rapid spiritual progress, removal of the hindrances in Guru’s work and the early establishment of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, eliminating the sufferings of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale and Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singhbal and for their good health. She would perform Puja, Yajna, many religious rituals and offer prayers. Her work is still going on. It is beyond our intellect to understand Her samashti work.
B. Creation of the world’s unique spiritual museum : She travels across India. Her Divine journey is arduous. During these travels, She collects spiritually valuable items and sends them to the Ashram. In short –
1. Handwritten letters of various Saints (including those written by Samartha Ramdas Swami)
2. Chaitanya-enriched items used by Saints, such as their beds, mattresses, clothes, utensils, etc.
3. Unique, Chaitanya-enriched Idols of many Deities
4. Precious Shaligram
5. Various Divine plants, their photos, and invaluable information about them.
6. Unique artworks made by traditional craftsmen who have been practicing their crafts for generations, along with details of their traditional professions.
7. Exceptional photography and documentation of sacred, spiritually charged temples across India which are sent for research and study, along with specific details.
8. Rare Holy Texts
Now, there is a vast collection of such special items. Soon, this will culminate in the creation of a unique museum. There will be no other collection of spiritually unique items as grand as this in the world ! This collection will help society understand the spiritual uniqueness of India, its Deities, Saints and culture.
10. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s praise for Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil has connected with Saints, spiritual leaders, priests, trustees, dignitaries and seekers and their relatives through Her tours across India and abroad. As a result, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale says in appreciation – “Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil is the Sanatan’s Ambassador. Wherever She goes, She connects everyone with the cause of Sanatan”.
11. Gratitude
Maharshi has said that Shrichitshakti (Mrs.) Gadgil is the Incarnation of Mahalakshmi. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale has appointed Her as His Spiritual Heir. Due to His immense grace, we are blessed with the physical presence of the Goddess and the company of Her satsang. For these moments of fortune, I express deepest gratitude to the three Gurus of Sanatan and offer the words suggested by Sachchidananda Parabrahman with gratitude at their feet.
Idam Na Mam !
– Sadguru Rajendra Shinde, Sanatan Ashram, Devad, Panvel. (24.11.2023)
Uniqueness of Shrichitshakti noticed by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) AthavaleIn 2000, Mrs Anjali Gadgil joined Sanatan Sanstha.Within 1-2 days, I began to sense that there is something mentally and spiritually distinct about her. However, I couldn’t immediately pinpoint this uniqueness. Within a year or two, I realised that just as I understand aspects in the subtle realm, she too understands them.After another 4-5 years, I observed that there are aspects in the subtle realm that I cannot understand, but she does. This continued to be the case. I then decided to teach her something similar to how I teach other seekers in Sanatan Sanstha and also guide them in removing personality defects. In just a few weeks, I realised that whatever I understand through the intellect, she understands through the subtle. Therefore, I stopped teaching her in this manner. Later, I realised that she could guide others in a much better way. I thus assigned her the seva of guiding seekers who do not stay at the Ashram but reside in different Districts.While doing all this, I learnt many subtle things from her. I realised that just as she perceives negative energies, she also perceives the positive energies. Since then, she has been visiting various temples to understand their spiritual significance. Now, she is acquainted with many temple priests and trustees. Along with this, Saints who could perceive the subtle realm also recognised her. From their words, I understood the importance of Mrs Gadgil. It was at that time that I realised how crucial it was to involve her in the work of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, and I began doing so.Through Mrs. Gadgil, we have started receiving help from many Saints for this mission. Therefore, whenever seekers face difficulties in the gross or subtle, or vyashti (Individual) or samashti (collective) concerns, Mrs Gadgil resolves them. |
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil visits temples across India and performs Puja and Yajna for the establishment of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ! |
(‘Subtle’ is that which is beyond the comprehension of the five sense organs, mind and intellect.) |