Prof. Muhammad Yunus acknowledges a conspiracy to overthrow Sheikh Hasina

Revealed that the student leaders had pre-planned the protests

New York (US) – Prof. Muhammad Yunus, head of Bangladesh’s Interim Government, has admitted that there was a conspiracy to overthrow Sheikh Hasina’s Government. Prof. Yunus made this statement during a speech, with former US President Bill Clinton seated beside him. While addressing the ‘Clinton Global Initiative’ in the US, Prof. Yunus said, “The movement in Bangladesh was very well designed. It was organised in such a way that no single leader could be singled out or arrested. As a result, the youth across the country were inspired, and the movement became even stronger.”

Prof. Yunus further stated, “If you look at the faces of the student leaders leading the movement, they just look like any other young person; but when they start speaking, you will be shaken. They shook the whole nation by their speeches, by their dedication, their commitment. The brain behind the whole revolution was my assistant Mahfuz. He denies it repeatedly. He says not me, many others. But that is how he is recognised, that he is the brain behind the whole thing. This revolution was not a sudden outburst but a meticulously designed and disciplined movement.”

Joe Biden embraces Prof. Yunus

Prof. Yunus also met US President Joe Biden, who embraced him warmly. (It has now become evident that the US was behind the coup in Bangladesh. Although US has not officially admitted it, the warm reception given to Prof. Yunus speaks volumes. Please note that throughout this period, the US did not utter a single word about the atrocities committed against Hindus in Bangladesh, while it frequently raises false alarms about alleged atrocities against Muslims in India. – Editor)

Editorial Perspective

Did Indian intelligence know about this ? If they were aware and had informed the authorities, the question arises : why didn’t the Government prevent the coup ? How will India recover from the damage caused by the coup in Bangladesh ?