Women soldiers allowed to wear hijab in Bangladesh

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – Since the former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Shaikh Hasina, was forced to leave the country, Bangladesh is rapidly leaning towards extremism. Bangladesh Army has also gone under the control of extremists. This is the first time the women soldiers are allowed to wear a hijab. The order has come from the office of Adjutant General’s office. The order says that wearing a hijab is optional for the women soldiers. Earlier the hijab over army uniform was not allowed.

The Assistant’s office has directed that the samples of the hijab should be submitted along with the various uniforms (combat uniform, operational services uniform and saree). The sample should have the fabric, colour and shape clearly mentioned. The women army personnel should submit their coloured photographs, wearing the proposed hijab to the department concerned.

Editorial Perspective

It should not be a surprise, if in future, women are banned to be in the Armed Forces of Bangladesh.