Investigation launched into 24 mosques operated by Pakistani Muslims in Britain

Allegations of incitement to violence with calls such as ‘Destroy Israel’, ‘Kill Jews’, and ‘Wage War for Allah’

London (Britain) – An investigation has been launched into 24 mosques in Britain under accusations of issuing fatwas against non-Muslims through hate speech. These mosques are located in cities such as London, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester. The sermons given in these mosques reportedly included violent messages such as ‘Destroy Israel’, ‘Kill Jews’, and ‘Wage war for Allah’. Interestingly, these mosques are operated by individuals of Pakistani descent. The investigation orders were issued following the Labour Party’s Government coming into power in July.

1. There are also accusations that these mosques have supported the terrorist organisation Hamas and its terrorists through their speeches. If found guilty, the individuals involved could face up to 14 years in prison.

2. Since the conflict with Israel began in Gaza, there have been numerous complaints about hate speech being propagated from these mosques. The mosques are accused of inviting clerics and preachers who spread venom against Israel and Jews.

3. Helen Stephenson, head of the Charity Commission overseeing this investigation, stated that they are examining whether the charitable status of these mosques should be revoked for violations of rules.

4. A hate speech against Jews by cleric Abu Ibraheem Husnayn at Birmingham’s Mohammedan Mosque went viral on social media. He told those who came to pray in the mosque that there is a Jew behind me, kill him.

5. Sheikh Suhaib Hassan, a cleric at the Tawheed Mosque in London, supported Hamas’ attack on Israel.

6. A cleric from a mosque in Liverpool claimed that if three Arab countries attacked Israel, the region would be completely destroyed.

7. Cleric Zakaullah Salim from the Green Lane Mosque in Birmingham prayed for the death of Israeli soldiers.

8. A collection of hateful sermons from mosques in Britain has been compiled by Jewish activists and shared with British Police and the public.

Editorial Perspectives

  • This raises questions about whether intelligence and Police in India are aware of the messages being preached in Indian mosques. Are actions being taken if any objectionable content is found ?
  • In Britain, there are actions taken against mosques involved in anti-Israel activities; however, why are there no stringent actions against Khalistani anti-India groups or radical Muslims committing anti-Hindu violence in Britain ?