Dissolve the Waqf Boards in the country : NDA members in JPC

  • Demand made by the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) members at the first meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC)

  • The opposition parties allege that the Union Government’s intention is not clear

New Delhi – After the Union Government introduced a bill amending the Waqf Act in the Lok Sabha, opposition parties had strongly objected to it. The Bill was then referred to a Joint Parliamentary Committee for discussion. After the formation of this committee, in its first meeting, some members demanded to get rid of the Waqf Boards. Reportedly, these members are from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

1. In the meeting, members of the opposition strongly objected to the 44 amendments, including the appointment of non-Muslim members on Waqf boards and extensive powers given to the District Collector to determine Waqf land.

2. Some members also objected to the change in the name of the Act through this Bill. Non- Hindus are not admitted as members on the board of religious organisations of Hindus, neither are members of the Sikh or Jain religions. Then why do Muslims need non-Muslim members in their religious organisations ?’, the opposition questioned.

3. Reportedly, a point was also presented in the meeting that non-Muslims or Collectors on the Waqf Board must know Urdu language.

4. When the BJP members said that the Waqf Boards had grabbed the lands, the members of the opposition parties retorted that ‘Hindu lands have also been grabbed for temples. In Ayodhya, the lands of Hindus have been grabbed, a few acres of them have been given to big businessmen. What will the Union Government do with the grabbed lands of Hindus ?’, the opposition members questioned.

5. The opposition members said that the intention of the Union Government to amend the Waqf Act was not clear.

Editorial Perspective

The opposition parties who call themselves secular, are supporting a board set up for the Muslims based on religion. This is their hypocrisy.