The terrifying war of ‘Ghazwa-e-Hind’ will continue for many years

Provocative statement by Pakistan’s so-called defence expert Zaid Hamid

(Ghazwa-e-Hind refers to the Islamisation of India)

Credits : One India

Islamabad (Pakistan) – ‘Understand Ghazwa-e-Hind properly. It will be an extremely terrifying war. It will continue for many years. Once India falls under Muslim control, it will remain in our possession forever’, said Zaid Hamid, the so-called defence expert from Pakistan. A video of his statement has gone viral on social media. A devout Hindu social media user Madhu Purnima Kishwar has shared it. However, it remains unclear when exactly the video was recorded.

In the video, Zaid Hamid further states :

1. The last generation of idolaters (those who worship idols) now remains only in India. In the entire Muslim world, you will not find such ‘mushrik’ (polytheistic) individuals as found in India.

2. This is the same community that had placed idols inside the Kaaba. Now, they have kept those idols and thousands of others like them in India.

3. Once again, all these idols will be destroyed. Just as Mahmud Ghaznavi had demolished the Somnath and other temples, all temples will be destroyed in the same manner. Idol worship will be completely eradicated. Naturally, this war will be horrific. It will not be a one-day affair.

Who is Zaid Hamid ?

Zaid Hamid describes himself as a strategic defence expert of Pakistan. He is considered close to Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the ISI. Zaid claims to have fought in the Soviet-Afghan war, and speaks against India daily. Whether it is inciting Khalistan or belittling Hindus, he continuously discusses these matters on social media. He also tries to mislead Muslims living in India.

Editorial Perspectives

Are Hindus and the Government ready for this war ?

Even though Pakistan is on the verge of becoming history,  it does not stop its Jihad. On the contrary, Hindus are dying, but are still failing to open their eyes. This is shameful for Hindus !