UN avoids the word “Hindu” while condemning the violence in Bangladesh

“We are against ethnic violence”, says the UN

Dhaka (Bangladesh) – In Bangladesh Hindus are being targeted. While various people are condemning this, UN has also criticised the events. However, they have avoided the word Hindu. Farhan Haq, the spokesperson of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, has said, “We protest attacks and violence on the basis of ethnicity”. He added, we wish to assure once again that the violence in Bangladesh which has broken out in the recent weeks; will end. We are certainly ready to support Bangladesh Government and people in whichever way they need.

Editorial Perspective

In India even if the most insignificant incident takes place against Christians or Muslims, UN decries Indian Hindus blaming them for the troubles of these communities and now while commenting on the situation in Bangladesh, they did not bother to even mention the word Hindu. Will the Indian Government at least protest such double standards of UN ?