What’s happening in Bangladesh can happen in India : Salman Khurshid

Congress leader and former Union Minister Salman Khurshid’s anti-national statement sparks outrage

New Delhi – “Although everything seems normal in India now, our country is so big that a Bangladesh-like situation can happen in India as well. Because the truth is, something is burning inside”, said Congress leader and former Union Minister Salman Khurshid while speaking at a book release event here.

Salman Khurshid said, “The women’s protests at Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh against the CAA and the National Register of Citizens inspired similar protests across the country. A movement like Shaheen Bagh cannot happen in the country today. Many of us think that the Shaheen Bagh movement was a success; but I know what is happening to the concerned people who protested in Shaheen Bagh, how many of them are still in jail, how many are not getting bail and how many are being called enemies of the country. If I ask myself, ‘Will there be a repeat of Shaheen Bagh ?’, I’m not sure it will; because people have really suffered a lot.”

Editorial Perspective

Salman Khurshid is a fanatic Muslim first and then a Congressman. It is not surprising when anti-national statements come out of his mouth. Such people have continuously tried to undermine India. To prevent a situation like Bangladesh in India, such people should be put in jail under charges of sedition.