Islamic State Khorasan plans ‘Lone Wolf Attacks’ in India : UN report

(Khorasan is the region consisting of North-East Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan)

New York (USA) – In a report of the United Nations (UN), it has been claimed that ‘Islamic State Khorasan’, a terrorist organisation, has been unsuccessful in carrying out a big attack in India. Therefore, it is planning to recruit through its handlers in India, the lone attackers, who can single-handedly carry out terrorist attacks in India. Such attacks are called the ‘Lone Wolf Attack’.

1. The 34threport of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team about ISIL, al- Qaeda and associated individuals and entities, released in United Nations on 30thJuly 2024, states that member states registered ongoing concern that terrorism emanating from Afghanistan will be a driver of insecurity in the Indian subcontinent.

2. Islamic State has been releasing a book in Urdu which exaggerates the Hindu-Muslim hostility and presents its war strategy against India.

3. It has also been stated in the UN report that the most severe menace in this region is from Islamic State Khorasan. On the other hand, Al-Qaeda has presently adopted a restraint war strategy, giving priority to its relations with Taliban.

4. The collaboration between ‘Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Taliban and Al-Qaeda in the Indian sub-continent (AQIS) has increased. They periodically conduct human resources and training camps in Afghanistan and carry out brutal attacks with the help of ‘Tehreek-e-Jihad Pakistan’.

(Khorasan is the territory of northeastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan!)

Countries facing ‘Jihad’ menace

The prospective merging of TTP and AQIS can lead to ‘Jihad’ menace in Pakistan, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. TTP has more than 6,000 terrorists, says this report.

Editorial Perspective

The world needs to realise that Jihadi terrorism can be destroyed only by strongly attacking its ideology. The Indian Government should take initiative in such drive. When are we going to understand that it would be the Indian Government’s most benevolent drive for mankind ?