Hundreds of bogus pathology labs operating in Maharashtra but no law to monitor

Mumbai, 9thJuly – There are hundreds of bogus pathology labs operating in Maharashtra, including Mumbai and their number has been increasing since the last few years. The issue was taken up during the State Assembly session on 9thJuly 2024 and the serious point to note is there is no law to take action against those. MLA Sunil Rane raised this ‘starred’ question in the Assembly session. The State Minister Uday Samant declared on behalf of the State Government that soon a law would be passed in this connection.

While bringing the issue to the notice of the House, MLA Rane stated, “Many bogus labs have been opened in nooks and corners of Mumbai. There is no official number of pathology labs available with the State Government operating in Mumbai since 2019.

Fire NOC, certification from the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, certification for good clinical practices, and registration for bio-medical waste disposal are not obtained before opening such labs.

MLA Yogesh Satam stated, “There is no control by the Government on the amounts charged by these labs for various tests. They don’t even have doctors but certificates are issued by putting stamps in some doctors’ names. Is the Government going to impose restrictions on them ?” The former Health Minister Rajesh Tope stated that certificates are issued with digital signatures of doctors. He also pointed out that action is not taken even by the committee set up to find bogus doctors.

BJP MLA Ashish Shelar drew the Government’s attention to the fact that many unauthorised centres have been opened at various places to collect samples for pathological tests. MLA Prakash Abitkar narrated his experience of a bogus lab when his father was given a wrong report by a lab and demanded action against the bogus labs.

Law, with strict provisions, will be passed to take action against bogus pathology labs – Assurance by the Government

Minister Uday Samant stated while answering the ‘starred’ question, “There are 7,085 labs in Maharashtra while 182 labs are registered in Mumbai. Stringent provision will be incorporated in the law to be introduced soon for monitoring and taking action against bogus labs. A draft of the law has been received by the Government for approval which will soon be passed. A mobile squad will be set up to find bogus pathology labs. It will become mandatory even for the centres opened for collection of samples. A criminal case will be registered against the persons opening such bogus labs. District Collectors will be instructed to find bogus pathology labs and bogus doctors. In case passing of this law takes time, necessary amendments will be carried out to the Nursing Home Act, for taking action.

Editorial Perspective

Only passing laws will have no effect without rigorous efforts to implement them. When are we going to realise that radical efforts are required to curb the increasing immorality and crimes in every field ?