It’s time the Hindu Government calls a spade a spade and walk the talk !

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The first Parliamentary session of the newly elected NDA Government commenced on 24th June 2024. The oath-taking ceremony of the newly elected MPs took place. Later, many Bills (proposals) would be introduced in both the houses; some would be passed or rejected, and for the rest, some changes would be suggested. The Union budget was also to be presented in this session. The Modi Government had provided an interim budget in February due to the Lok Sabha elections in May. Now, the Finance Minister of the NDA Government will present the final budget for 2024-25, and it will be passed after discussions. This budget will have provisions for different Departments. It will earmark funds to bring about rapid development. In addition, like always, crores of Rupees will be allocated to madarasas. However, sadly, no such financial provision would be made for protecting and propagating Hindu Dharma.

For the past 75 years since Independence, we have witnessed such blatant appeasement of minorities and deliberate apathy towards the majority Hindus. Since India is a secular Nation due to the insertion of the words – ‘Secular and ‘Socialist’ during the dark days of Emergency, such a bizarre tradition is likely to continue.

Hindus are often reminded about the perennial inability to provide any support (financial or otherwise) to Dharma, as it is against the Nation’s so-called secular fabric. Some political parties like the Congress wear secular credentials on their sleeves, but sadly, when it comes to defending the rights of Hindus, even the pro-Hindu parties fall in line and remain quiet. This casual and indifferent attitude towards their core voters has become the Achilles heel for the Hindus who voted them to power. If Hindus do not realise the gravity of the situation, nothing will change. Make no mistake – when such pseudo-secular parties assume power either at the Centre or State, they shamelessly strive for the welfare of the minority who vote en bloc to elect representatives of such political parties. The irony is – when such blatant appeasement takes place, other political parties and organisations do nothing and are silent spectators.

A few Hindu organisations and a couple of Hindu political parties oppose such unfair practices, but their voice never gets heard. Moreover, even when pro-Hindu political parties come to power, they do not dare to rectify the wrongs committed by the previous secular Governments. Hindus and responsible citizens must recognise this bitter truth about India’s politics.

Hindus only get false promises repeatedly

Mamata Banerjee’s TMC has been in power in Bengal for the past 11 years. She could achieve this feat thanks to Muslims’ en block votes to TMC. This trend continued for the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, wherein TMC emerged as the largest party in the State. Her Government presented the State Budget in February 2024, which provided a enormous sum of Rs 5,340 crore for the welfare of the minority communities and for the development of madarasas. At the same time, the pro-minority TMC Government provided nothing for developing Hindu Gurukuls or protecting Dharma.

While the double standard of this Government was widely criticised on social media, they were also praised for being loyal to their minority voters at a time when the pro-Hindu leaders whom Hindus had voted to power did absolutely nothing for them. Lately, Hindus have started to realise this contrast. It is high time Hindus contemplate on the questions raised about the trustworthiness and reliability of pro-Hindu organisations and political leaders who call themselves staunch Hindus. Mamata’s Government is leaving no stone unturned to appease the minorities.

In addition, they remain perennially concerned about the well-being of Bangladeshi & Rohingya Muslims and do everything in their capacity to support them. On the other hand, they have turned a blind eye to the vicious and brutal attacks on Hindus in the State. This does not stop here; they have blatantly suppressed the constitutionally conferred religious freedom of Hindus by imposing severe restrictions on the way they celebrate various events and religious festivals. Sadly, Hindus elsewhere in India have noticed their wicked attitude, but the Hindus in Bengal seem to care less. It seems no one can stand up and challenge Mamata Banerjee for her insensitive and callous attitude towards Hindus and her love & affection for Muslims, even those who have infiltrated from other countries.

The leaders of Hindu organisations have sometimes challenged Mamata to adopt a policy that envisions madarasa students with Quran in one hand and a laptop in the other. However, their parties have nonetheless spent crores of Rupees on madarasas. The irony is – none in this Hindu-majority country envisions a Gurukul student with Shrimadbhagawadgeeta in one hand and a laptop in the other. No one likes to talk about what is taught in the madarasas, and how it manifests in our country and abroad. This is a cause of concern not only for Hindus but followers of other religions as well. The other concern is – no one demands that the Government provide education on Dharma to the Hindus across the country. Hindus seem to care less about their future. They do not even realise their destruction is brought about by their own money, as if they are paying to get suppressed and ultimately eliminated. When some Hindus resist this, their voice conveniently gets lost in the so-called secular political spectrum. Hindus lose hope when those who vouch to work for Hindutva get voted to power, they turn a blind eye to the issues that plague Hindus. Their deafening silence hurts the religious sentiments of millions of Hindus.

Don’t take Hindus for granted

For many decades now, hundreds of Hindu organisations, spiritual and Dharma-based organisations, and Saints have tried to raise awareness about the Nation & Dharma amongst Hindus in different strata of society. Hindus have lately realised that political parties showcase themselves as the saviour of Hindus while canvassing for their representatives, and once elected, become indifferent towards their core voters, remaining silent on important issues they promised in their manifestos. Hindus should learn from their mistakes and instead of falling in for ‘Those who talk about the welfare of Hindus, will rule this country’, must demand – ‘Those who strive to address the concerns of Hindus and take concrete actions, will rule this country’. Consequently, Hindus should wholeheartedly support those who walk the talk about protecting the Nation & Dharma. Hindus should carefully analyse the actions taken by the Hindu leaders and organisations and reward them accordingly. This will create an invisible pressure on Hindu leaders to act. If not, they will continue to take Hindu voters for granted, thus worsening the situation for Hindus.

It is high time Hindus contemplate the way forward

As the monsoon session of the Parliament kicked off, the 12th Vashvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (read about this in other Pages of this Issue) also commenced in Ponda, Goa to address the concerns of the Hindus, promote Hindu unity, and to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. This Mahotsav facilitated discussions around preparations needed to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, raising awareness about different threats to Hindus and Hindu Dharma, presented areas where Hindus fall short, and the way forward. Devout Hindus, advocates, businessmen & entrepreneurs from across the country and abroad participated in the Mahotsav. It is high time Hindus put forth their thoughts objectively and without fear, and decide on the future course of action.

When pro-Hindu parties come to power, they do not dare to rectify the wrongs committed by the previous secular Governments !