Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) : Experiences of devout Hindu activists

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa – Communists changed the history of Hindus. By distorting the glorious history of Hindus, they created a state of confusion among Hindus and imposed a concocted history on them. The so-called intellectuals conspired to distort the scriptures of the Hindus and presented a false history to the people. Communists distorted the history of Hindus and spread atheism in society. Atheism is like cancer. The spread of atheism led to the decline of society. Family system and economic system collapsed. The institution of marriage was affected too said Kashyapa Maharshi (State President, Dharmaveer Adhyatmik Chaitanya Vedika). He was addressing the audience on the final day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) here.
He further said,
1. The Hindus of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh were alienated from their true history. In Andhra Pradesh, there was a king named Prolaya Vema Reddi. He first used Guerilla warfare against Islam in India in 1320. He introduced the Hindu system of governance in Kerala. He was an uncompromising and unapologetic Hindu. There was not a single Muslim in his army. Pedakomati Vema Reddy, propagated Advaita Siddhanta through poems easily understood by the common people. However, communists wrote poems and attributed them to Pedakomati Vema to portray him as an atheist.
2. Dharmaveer Adhyatmika Chaitanya Vedika is working with the aim of fighting against atheism, imparting knowledge of Dharma, and preserving culture among people. Under the leadership of Vijay Tapaswi Dharmaveer, the work of Dharma Rakshan is going on. On behalf of this organization, the work of proving religious heroes and imparting religious education through them is going on. Exposing conspiracies of distortion of history and religion, fighting against anti-Hindu films, creating awareness among parents to impart Dharma education to children. preventing conversion of tribal people by awakening them to their original culture, keeping away the conversion mafia by hoisting saffron flag on the houses of Hindus, pressuring the government to remove illegal mosques and churches are some of the other activities of Dharmaveer Adhyatmik Chaitanya Vedika.