Should adopt an aggressive stance against anti-Hindu propaganda : Dr Bhaskar Raju V, Dharma Margam Seva Trust

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4

Dr Bhaskar Raju V, Trustee, Dharma Margam Seva Trust, Telangana

Sanatan Dharma alone is the only truth in the whole universe, everything else isn’t. A fake propaganda is being spread by Christians, Muslims and atheists (Communists). Fake narratives are being created. In the face of this, the devout Hindus are adopting a defensive stance, but now the time has come that we need to take an aggressive stance to counter this fake propaganda, said Dr Bhaskar Raju V (Trustee of Dharma Margam Seva Trust, Telangana). He was speaking on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav.

Dr Bhaskar Raju further said that some followers of other Sects are heretics, while communists are traitors to the nation. The ideology of these people should be rejected. We must prepare narratives that counter and refute their fake narratives. For that, we as Hindus should set aside all kinds of differences and implement this aggressive policy in an organised manner. While doing that, words like heretics, jihadis, fanatics, conversion mafia, urban Naxal etc. should be used liberally.