If the adversaries are uniting to eliminate the Hindus, then Hindus should also unite and organise : Sunil Ghanwat, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) : Protecting the Dignity of Hindu Culture and Icons of Faith

Sunil Ghanwat, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh Coordinator, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

The youth, the future of the nation, are being systematically brainwashed. Urban Naxals are behind this conspiracy. Communists have killed more than 9 crore, 40 lakh people world over. In Maharashtra too, communists have killed more than 14 thousand people in the last 25 years. This includes farmers, soldiers, police, people’s representatives, and common citizens. Many Hindu leaders have been killed in South India. There was a Hindu exodus from Kashmir, but this is not discussed on any news channel. Contrary to that, communists are shown as humanists, while Hindus are shown as terrorists. Leftist views are glorified by the coterie of journalists. Urban Naxals are pulling the strings here. If all adversaries are coming together to eliminate Hindus, Hindus should also organise and unite. In this regard a Sanatan Dharmarakshak Abhiyan is being implemented by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. More than 250 programs were conducted under the aegis of the Abhiyan in 25 districts of Maharashtra, which saw the participation of 10 thousand people. I invite Hindus to participate in Sanatan Dharmarakshak Abhiyan.