Hindu organisations protest after a calf’s severed head found in Durg, Chhattisgarh

  • Police resort to lathicharge
  • Police claim that a dog brought and threw it in the square

Durg (Chhattisgarh) – Uproar and tension erupted in the area after a slaughtered calf’s head was found here. Hindu rights groups Hindu Yuva Manch and Rashtriya Bajrang Dal gathered in large numbers and staged a protest by gheraoing the collectorate. At night the Hindu groups gheraoed the Police Station. At that time the Police had to lathi charge to disperse the crowd. A Police Inspector was injured in that fight. The Police said that in this matter, a dog had brought the severed head of the calf in that area.

According to Bhilai SSP Sukhnandan Rathore, an investigation is underway based on CCTV footage, and the calf’s head has been sent to a laboratory for testing.

Editorial Perspective

Though it may be said that a ‘dog brought the calf’s head and threw it there’, yet it is clear that a calf was slaughtered. When will the Police investigate this matter ? The Hindus think that such incidents should not happen in Chhattisgarh as it is ruled by BJP Government.