Muslim Professor promotes Islam to Hindu students via WhatsApp group

  • Incident at Vikram University in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh)
  • Professor Shaikh Suspended for 15 Days Following ABVP Protest
Vikram University

Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) – At Vikram University, Professor Anish Shaikh from the Pharmacy Department caused a controversy by including Hindu students in a WhatsApp group and promoting the benefits of performing namaz and converting to Islam. This led to protests by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), demanding the professor’s removal from the university. Following student complaints, Professor Shaikh has been suspended from his position for 15 days.

ABVP activists accused Professor Shaikh of discriminating against Hindu students by giving better grades to Muslim students in chemistry while awarding low marks to Hindu students, often failing them. In protest, the activists locked the doors of the Pharmacy Department. Adarsh Choudhary, General Secretary of ABVP, stated that teaching religion in an educational institution is inappropriate.

Inquiry and Action – Vice-Chancellor

University Vice-Chancellor Akhilesh Kumar announced that an inquiry committee would be established to investigate the matter thoroughly. If the allegations by the students are found to be true, strict action will be taken against the accused professor.

Editorial Perspective

No matter how educated and high-ranking a Muslim becomes, he adheres to his religion and tries to convert “infidel Hindus.” On the other hand, Hindus continue to follow self-destructive secularism.