Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s exceptional contribution to the field of ‘Spiritual Research’

Sachchidananda Parabrahman Guru (Dr) Athavale

Saints of a higher order can perceive the subtle dimension; hence, they can accurately analyse the vibrations in any element. However, rationalists and intellectuals of these modern times believe in theories that can be proved with the help of scientific experiments conducted with the latest technology.

Hence, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale uses scientific instruments and technology such as Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) and Thermal Imaging while conducting spiritual research. This is the hallmark of His spiritual research. Let’s understand some aspects of this multifaceted and varied spiritual research.

Spiritual Research on Pendulum

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale conducted many experiments with pendulum bobs made of wood, different metals, stones, crystal, and rudraksha. He also tried various suspension threads made of metal chains, silk, wool, yarn, and banana stem fibre. After conducting scientific experiments with different permutations and combinations, He concluded that a pendulum that has a rudraksha (in the place of a bob) suspended from a thread made of fibre extracted from a banana tree (stem) is more sattvik (Spiritually pure) and provides accurate results.

Spiritual remedies using empty boxes

Seeker performing spiritual remedies using empty boxes

An empty box has a void, which is full of Akashtattva (Absolute Ether Principle). Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale conducted many experiments to validate the healing power of Akashtattva with empty boxes and encouraged seekers to conduct experiments to validate this hypothesis. Subsequently, He devised the empty boxes remedy. (For details, read Sanatan’s Text – ‘Spiritual healing of ailments through empty boxes [Part 2’])

Spiritual Research on ‘Negative Energies’

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale has been conducting in-depth spiritual research on negative energies since the Year 2000. This included types of negative energies, their missions, their impact on the environment and human lives, the reasons they create obstacles in human lives, and symptoms of distress caused by negative energies. With this research, He discovered many techniques as remedies that can cure the distress or ailment caused by negative energies. Later, He taught these techniques to seekers.

Spiritual research on techniques or remedies helpful in curing various distresses and ailments

A. Acupressure therapy (without touching) : Acupressure therapy helps cure physical and psychological distress by applying pressure to specific points in the body. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale explored this technique further and discovered an Acupressure therapy without touching. (For details, read Sanatan’s Text – ‘Acupressure Therapy for overcoming physical, psychological and Spiritual Distresses’.)

B. Remedial chants : Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale conducted experiments and discovered remedial chants and techniques for different physical and psychological distresses. (For details, read Sanatan’s Text – ‘Chants for curing ailments, Chant remedies as per the ailment, Chants that can cure ailments’.)

Participation in various National and International Conferences and presentation of Research Papers

Mrs Shweta Clarke presenting a research paper in Bangkok

Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (MAV) presented Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s research papers based on His spiritual research at various National and International Conferences in India (Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, etc.) and abroad. These research papers shed light on topics such as – Spirituality, sattvik Sanskrut language, chants, mantras, Indian classical music, dance forms, sculptural art, etc. These research papers analysed the positive and negative situations from a spiritual perspective with the help of scientific instruments and discovered the truth. With these scientific experiments, Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale introduced Spirituality to the world in a scientific language through a beautiful integration of science with Spirituality. It is indeed Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s invaluable contribution to humanity, and His research continues. His objective is clear – People should understand Spirituality and the importance of spiritual practice in their lives and should be able to understand the difference between spiritual purity and spiritual impurity. Moreover, ‘Krunvanto Vishwam Aryam’ – a resolve to make the whole world noble (civilised) is His broader objective. From October 2016 to September 2023, MAV has presented research papers at 8 National and 14 International Conferences. In addition, MAV has been regularly conducting scientific research into other unexplored aspects of Spirituality under the guidance of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. MAV has conducted 1,074 experiments with scientific instruments and prepared 180 research reports so far. These have helped MAV present the greatness of Hindu culture and the importance of Spirituality based on science and scientific evidence to the world.

Spiritual remedy of sattvik Name-strips of Deities

A. Sattvik Name-strips emit the subtle energy of the respective Deities. These subtle energies bring about spiritual healing. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale conducted various experiments with sattvik Name-strips and discovered the following remedies as self-healing techniques.

1. One can create a protective sheath with the help of sattvik Name-strips of Deities around himself before going to bed. This protects from the attacks of negative energies.

2. One can paste sattvik Name-strips on the walls of a room in the suggested manner. This creates a subtle protective sheath around the room and protects the individuals from the attacks of negative energies.

3. One can paste sattvik Name-strips of Deities on the front and the back side of a two-wheeler or on the four sides of a four-wheeler from inside and on the roof. This creates a subtle protective sheath around that vehicle and thus prevents the rider or driver from the attacks of negative energies. (These sattvik Name-strips are available with the local distributors of Sanatan’s sattvik products. A set of Name-strips includes a leaflet along with the exact type and number of Name-strips.)

B. Placing sattvik Name-strips or photos of Deities on the Kundalini chakras : The vital energy in the Universe flows to the human body through the Kundalini chakras. When this flow is interrupted, the individual experiences distress since the organs related to that chakra cease to function properly. Hence, once that affected chakra gets healed spiritually, the individual quickly recovers from the distress. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale discovered that placing sattvik Name-strips or photos of Deities on the Kundalini chakras protects individuals from harm and provides spiritual healing.

1. Circumambulating the Idol of Shri Ganesh made by Sanatan Sanstha

2. Performing spiritual remedies such as chanting in the room previously occupied by Saints for some time

3. Performing spiritual remedies with objects previously used by Saints

4. Performing spiritual remedies of Akashtattva with the help of a photo of the cupboard in Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s room

Spiritual healing with the help of the Panchatattva

If we perform spiritual healing to one of the Panchatattva, the distress related to that specific tattva (Principle) gets eliminated. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale conducted experiments in this regard and discovered the following techniques of spiritual healing.

1. Spiritual healing with the help of Pruthvitattva – Applying sattvik Kumkum to the forehead, sniffing sattvik attar (A fragrant oil extracted from a plant)

2. Spiritual healing with the help of Apatattva – Consuming tirtha (Holy water), performing the salt-water remedy for 15 minutes

3. Spiritual healing with the help of Tejtattva – Applying vibhuti (Sacred ash) to the body, looking steadily at a ghee lamp for a few minutes

4. Spiritual healing with the help of Vayutattva – Blowing vibhuti

5. Spiritual healing with the help of Akashtattva –

• Looking at / sitting under a clear sky and chanting

• Listening to devotional songs sung by Saint Bhaktaraj Maharaj

• Performing empty boxes remedy

The energy required for the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems and the mind is provided by the flow of Pranashakti. Whenever there are obstructions in the flow of the Pranashakti, the ability of the associated organ to function reduces and leads to the ailment of that organ. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale conducted various experiments, tried the potential remedies Himself and discovered ways to identify such obstructions in the flow of Pranashakti as well as chants, mudras, or types of nyas useful in clearing the obstructions. As a result, the technique called ‘Spiritual healing for the Pranashakti flow system’ was developed.

Sanatan’s seekers perform self-healing through this novel technique, and thus, have become self-reliant. The unique aspect about this technique is that a seeker at a certain spiritual level or who has samasthi bhav (Spiritual emotion for society) that – ‘One should help others reduce their distress’ – can determine the chant, mudra and nyas for the seeker suffering from distress even if he is miles away (in another country as well). When such a seeker performs these spiritual remedies on himself, it helps the seeker who is in distress. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale conducted various experiments in this regard, and once its effectiveness was proven, He taught these to the seekers. Remedies for clearing the Pranashakti flow system help the patient even if he performs other self-healing remedies such as reciting mantras, performing empty box remedies, or undergoing Ayurvedic treatment.

What is ‘Subtle’ : That which cannot be comprehended by the five sense organs, but whose existence is comprehended by the one who performs spiritual practice, is known as the ‘subtle world’. Various Scriptures contain reference to the subtle world and knowledge.