‘Asia Pacific’ strategy of the US promoting division and conflict : China

General Jing Jianfeng

Singapore – US strategy in the ‘Asia-Pacific’ (the Asia-Pacific region includes the Indian Ocean, Western and Central Pacific Oceans, as well as the South China Sea) is promoting division and conflict, China’s Central Military Commission’s Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng, Deputy Chief of the Joint Staff Department. While speaking at the Shangri La Dialogue, a major defense conference in Asia, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had stated that the US is focusing on increasing partnership and strengthening cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. In response, Jianfeng made the above criticism.

President Joe Biden joins other leaders of Asia Pacific (Credits : NYT)

Jianfeng added, “The US is trying to establish an Asia-Pacific version of NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation). Austin’s remarks are only to protect US’ geopolitical interests and will never succeed. The whole policy is aimed at maintaining US hegemony in the Asia Pacific.

What is NATO ?

‘NATO’ (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) is an alliance of military forces of many countries. 32 countries are members in this, 30 are European and 2 are North American. An attack on any member state of NATO is considered an attack on the entire NATO alliance and all member states respond collectively to that attack.