Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif acknowledges mistake in breaking the Lahore Agreement

Lahore (Pakistan) – On 28th May 1998, Pakistan conducted five nuclear tests. Subsequently, India’s then-Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Lahore and signed the Lahore Agreement with us. However, we broke this agreement, which was our mistake, admitted former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, now the chairman of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party. In 1999, Pakistan violated this agreement by initiating the Kargil War. At that time, the then Army Chief Pervez Musharraf attempted to gain control over Kargil, while Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister.

What was the Lahore Agreement ?

On 21st February 1999, Sharif and Vajpayee signed the Lahore Agreement after a historic summit in Lahore—the agreement aimed to promote peace and stability between the two countries, strengthening future relations. The agreement included mutual understanding to avoid the development or use of nuclear weapons. This agreement placed additional responsibility on the leadership of both nations to avoid a nuclear arms race and both conventional and unconventional conflicts. However, only a few months after signing the agreement, the Kargil War occurred due to Pakistan’s intrusion into Jammu and Kashmir.

Editorial Perspective

What is the use of acknowledging it after 25 years ? The person responsible for breaking the agreement, Pervez Musharraf, has also passed away. If Sharif genuinely wanted to establish a good relationship with India, then Pakistan must stop terrorist activities against India, hand over the terrorists wanted by India, return Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and prevent the genocide of Hindus in Pakistan and ensure their protection.