Special Editorial : The Acid Test is over, yet … !

The Dr Narendra Dabholkar murder case has been going on for the past 10 years. Finally the much-awaited verdict was pronounced on 11th May 2024 that freed three devout Hindus of the charges. Although two other devout Hindus, Sachin Andure and Sharad Kalaskar, were sentenced to life imprisonment, we have full confidence that they too will get justice in the High Court. We have no doubt that as and when this happens, it will prove that Truth always prevails.

This was a case of systematic framing of Sanatan’s seekers and devout Hindus. As a result, Sanatan Sanstha and its seekers faced a prolonged acid test; however, just like Deity Sita (Prabhu Shriram’s spouse), the seekers of Sanatan and the devout Hindus along with Sanatan Sanstha came out unblemished; and hence, they passed the acid test with flying colours.

The two devout Hindus who have been convicted, will also be freed in future, and till such time, Sanatan Sanstha will stand firmly by them. This fight is not limited to Sanatan Sanstha. It is a part of an international conspiracy to defame Hindu Dharma and label Hindus as ‘Saffron Terrorists’. The conflict that arose after the murders of so-called progressives has directly evolved into that between Urban Naxals & Communists versus devout Hindus. Alternatively, it is a fight between traitors to the Nation versus patriots & devout followers of Dharma.

Through the Dabholkar murder case, Sanatan Sanstha was declared a ‘Saffron Terrorist’ organisation and Sanatan Sanstha was repeatedly asked to explain its position, The media too conducted its own trial for many years, putting Sanatan Sanstha in the cage of the accused. The seekers of this God-fearing and innocent organisation were tortured physically, mentally and financially, and were also defamed. The entire struggle has ended to some extent with verdict of the CBI court.

During all these years, the Police used to conveniently leak information about their raids to the media and then raid Sanatan’s Ashram. For many years, the Ashram seekers faced a situation where the Police could raid Sanatan’s Ashram any moment. Many times after the Dabholkar murder case started, the media would suddenly gather outside Sanatan’s Ashram and before anything could be known, ‘Breaking News’ would flash on the TV screens.

This entire period of struggle moulded the seekers of Sanatan Sanstha, taught them a lot and definitely got spiritual practice performed from them. Therefore, no matter how many calamities befell Sanatan Sanstha, the seekers were neither excessively fearful nor extremely worried. Seekers’ devotion unto God and their faith in the Guru saved them from the associated perils.

During these challenging times, the seekers who participated in Sanatan’s mission to spread Dharma while continuing with their jobs and businesses, had to face questions and the inquisitive glare of the people in society. However, due to their diehard faith in God, they could endure all the struggles.

During the initial stages there was a Congress Government at the Centre and in Maharashtra, and under the influence of anti-Hindu leaders, they made many efforts to ban Sanatan; but in reality many MLAs of the opposition Parties knew that Sanatan’s mission is noble. Nothing affects gold; similarly the existence of Truth is eternal. Likewise, Sanatan Sanstha, that functions with God’s blessings, is not only emerging from this acid test unscathed, no matter how many accusations are thrown or bans are imposed and its seekers imprisoned, but it is also celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year.

The folly of a misguided investigation

There is no doubt that if and when the numerous falsehoods spread by the Investigating Agencies in the Dabholkar murder case are known to the entire society one by one, society’s trust in these so-called reputed Agencies will be completely lost. As a matter of fact,
this gives us an idea of what could be happening in other cases in India.

In Television serials there is one main plot and many sub-plots; likewise, many sub-plots arose in the wake of this Police investigation that went astray. There is no bigger example than this case of how the Police can act under pressure from some quarters and make people feel senseless.

By fabricating a second lie to cover up the first lie, a third lie to cover up the second, the Investigating Agencies not only toyed with the lives of the innocents, but also played with the sentiments of crores of Hindus; because, the entire process was fabricated to label the Hindus as terrorists.

The Dabholkar murder case witnessed a series of erroneous and misleading investigations. Just to quote a few – Search for the pistol used in the crime and dumped in Kalwa Bay, Thane was conducted after 5 years. The Agency said that the pistol will be sent to Scotland for forensic analysis, but 6 months later, the Agency said that it had not been sent to Scotland.

It repeatedly brought false evidence and did not allow the case to continue for 5 years at the behest of Dabholkar and Pansare families. The CBI later debunked several claims it had made earlier, it released the accused who were caught by the Agency itself. The Agency and witnesses named different killers; it kept changing the accused and weapons used in the crime; no investigation was done of any of the allegations levelled against Dabholkar, the CBI actually did not bring any evidence to the fore, etc.

If all this is compiled, these erroneous and misleading allegations would make a bulky book. These anomalies in the investigation were also noted by experts of various fields in society and they took the initiative to bring them to the fore. All this amounts to severe injustice not only on Sanatan’s seekers but also on Hindus in general. The Agency has thus committed a great sin.

Who are the real accused ?

One of the office bearers of ANiS (Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti, founded by Dr Dabholkar) Trust was Pratap Pawar, a member of the politically well-known Pawar family in Maharashtra. His relative is Supriya Sule – the MP who spoke about banning Sanatan Sanstha in her Rajya Sabha speech in 2016. All these things were directly related to Sanatan Sanstha.

In 2015, Bharat Patankar (A left wing activist) printed a leaflet that said ‘Shoot Abhay Vartak’, who was then the Spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha. Is this not open terrorism ? Dabholkar had explained that one ANiS worker had turned out to be a Naxalite. While this matter was going on, ridiculous objections were raised against Sanatan’s Text ‘Kshatradharma’, which is based on Shrikrushna’s advice in the Mahabharat. What a gross contradiction this is !

As many as 9 financial scams of ANiS were exposed, and finally a Russian SIM card was found in Dabholkar’s pocket. When will the Investigation Agencies take a note of all this and proceed with the case ?

Sanatan’s Dharma-yoddhas

Every Dharma-yoddha (A seeker dedicated to serving Dharma) must go through a struggle before the final victory in the Dharma-yuddha (War of Dharma). The current victory is a step in this direction.

In these difficult times, Sanatan Sanstha’s pious and humble seekers did not lose their patience or their loyalty. Sanatan has carried out hundreds of protests, organised processions, etc. There has never been any aggression or chaos in any of these; on the contrary, Sanatan Sanstha has always won the trust of the Police administration. Police have questioned hundreds of Sanatan seekers, but can any Policeman say that even one seeker crossed his limits while speaking ?

Hundreds of Policemen have closely watched Sanatan’s seekers; did they ever think that they were gangsters or terrorists ? And yet the Police were under pressure because of the demand to ban Sanatan since it is allegedly a terrorist organisation, and concoct stories or media trials run by political leaders, progressives and the media. Hence, Sanatan seekers did not have a personal fight, but an ideological fight for Dharma in the broadest sense.

Sanatan Sanstha was also targeted as part of a policy to prove ‘Saffron Terrorism’ existed, perpetuated by traitors to the Nation and politicians; but due to the extensive mission of serving Dharma and the work against the Naxals, the seekers faced this continuing struggle with faith in God, and God gave them the fruits of their faith and patience.

Just like Deity Sita, the seekers of Sanatan and the devout Hindus along with Sanatan Sanstha came out unblemished !