Don’t understand what the Government is trying to teach the students : Sharad Pawar

Pawar irked over Maharashtra SCERT including ‘Manache Shlok’ and ‘Manusmruti’ in the syllabus

Sharad Pawar

Mumbai – “The Government’s attitude in introducing ‘Manusmruti’ in the curriculum is clear; therefore, we will have to take a strong stand against it. Scholars in the education field need to look into this matter. The regional institutes will not remain silent. I do not understand what are they trying to teach the students”, criticized Sharad Pawar in a press conference objecting to the Government’s plan of introducing ‘Manusmruti’ and ‘Manache Shlok’ in the syllabus.

In a press conference held at Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan on 24th May 2024, reporters asked Sharad Pawar about his views on the Government’s proposal to include ‘Manusmruti’ and ‘Manache Shlok’ in the curriculum of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) when he responded as above. He added that he has heard about the introduction of ‘Manusmruti’ and ‘Manache Shlok’ in the State’s curriculum, which shows the outlook of the State Government on the Constitution of India. Social institutes should take note of it.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Sharad Pawar never felt wrong things are being taught in many madarasas under the guise of education.
  • Good values and morality are still found in society only due to Hindu Dharma and not due to selfish and dirty politics. Politicians like Pawar might be scared of future generations becoming bright and devout Hindus after gaining knowledge of Hindu Dharma, leading to boycott of politicians like himself.