Malayalam film Puzhu was made to defame Hindus : Mohammed Sharshad Baniyandy

  • Baniyandy is the CPI(M) leader in Tamil Nadu
  • Baniyandy also referred to a well-known actor Mammootty as ‘Jihadi’
Credits : Facebook

Chennai – Famous actor Mammootty, who has been active in the Malayalam film industry for the past 53 years, has been accused of being a jihadi. A Chennai-based businessman and leader of the CPI(M) Mohammed Sharshad Baniyandy has made shocking revelations in this regard. He alleged that his estranged wife Ratheena PT and the scriptwriter Harshad conspired to make an anti-Hindu and anti-upper-caste movie starring Mammootty. Baniyandy has also claimed that Ratheena PT was forced by Mammootty to direct a movie projecting Hindus in bad light.The movie at the heart of the controversy is the 2022 Malayalam release titled ‘Puzhu’ which was produced by Mammootty’s ‘Wayfarer Films’.

CPI(M) leader Mohammed Sharshad Baniyandy

1. Mammootty played the role of an upper caste IPS officer in Puzhu, who hates his sister for eloping with a Dalit man.

2. According to Baniyandy, Rathina PT had planned to make a light-hearted entertainer starring Mammootty; however, she was forced to toe the superstar’s line.

Actor Mammootty (left) and Ratheena PT (right)

3. Baniyandy added that film’s writer Harshad is an Islamic extremist.

4. Interestingly, Mammootty has close relations with Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

Back in 2007, Mammooty attended the all-India conference of the Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) and said, ‘If DYFI-CPI(M)’s youth wing was active in Gujarat, the State would not have had the riots of 2002’.

Editorial Perspective

Regardless of these claims being true or not, it illustrates how the entire ecosystem is working against India and Hindus.