Israel should be allowed to drop nuclear bombs on Gaza : Lindsey Graham, US Senator

Lindsey Graham, US Senator
Courtesy : ABC News

Washington (USA) – “We saw the destruction of Pearl Harbour (A US port. It was attacked by Japan in World War II) and ended World War II by dropping the atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Similarly, Israel should be allowed to drop the atomic bomb to end the war in Gaza”, stated US Senator Lindsay Graham. Graham also said that the USA’s decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan was correct. He also criticised blocking the delivery of 3,000 bombs to Israel by the USA.

Lindsey Graham added that Israel as a Jewish State should do whatever it wants to do to save itself. Hamas should be held responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza, not Israel; because Hamas has used these citizens as shields. Unless Hamas stops using these people as shields, it is impossible to reduce the death toll of these people. I have never seen any war in history that put ordinary citizens in danger.