Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale : A Seer who does not merely speak of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’, but He strives to establish it as well !

Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale not only talked of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in 2012, but also specified the efforts required, and He is getting them performed as mentioned in article…

Mr Prabhat Kumar, a disciple of Saint Bhaktaraj Maharaj, gifts His crystal image and bhav of seekers gets awakened upon looking at the image !

When Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil went to Visakhapatnam, Mr Prabhat Kumar, a disciple of Saint Bhaktaraj Maharaj, gifted His crystal image to Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale through Her…

Chief Functionary of ‘Bharat Sevashram Sangha’ (Delhi) Swami Atmajnanananda Maharaj being impressed by the sevabhav and humble conduct of Sanatan’s seekers

After observing the conduct of Sanatan’s seekers, Maharaj told the management of the place to allot additional rooms to Sanatan Sanstha than those already allotted to us.

The correct method of chanting as recorded by seekers studying music at MAV under the guidance of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale

Study what you feel after listening to these chants. Please write to us if you get any special spiritual experiences …