The Attacks on Hindus : Threats to Hindu Interests from North American Entities

The latest attack on Hindus by American universities is to adopt new regulations against ‘caste bias’ (Shukla, 2022). Brown University’s announcement on December 1, 2022 added ‘a new provision to its nondiscrimination policy that explicitly prohibits caste oppression’.

Even if Temples were demolished to build Mosques in Kashi and Mathura, they must remain as they are : Anti-Hindu Historian Irfan Habib

Habib said that rectifying a mistake committed 300 years ago needs an amendment in laws. “Aurangzeb was the only Mughal ruler to demolish temples.

No Muslim dynasty ever damaged or built mosques on Hindu temples, claims AIMLPB : How the Muslim body has been lying through its teeth

On 25th January 2024, the ASI released its Gyanvapi survey report. The nearly 800-page report provided a detailed account of the edifice and the artefacts discovered inside, establishing that it was a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva.